If anybody has wondered we are presently in France having a break, hence the lack of blogging. Internet access and wi-fi are hard to come by where we are.
Many thanks to those who have emailed and texted messages of support since I decided to 'take a back seat'. I am saddened as I made so many good friends in UKIP, but I finally lost faith, partly due to poor election results which have made me question the tactic of having MEPs, partly due to the Party Leader and his inability to actually lead or motivate. Indeed his speeches since becoming leader are all so similar that you can't put a cigarette paper between them!
I was proud to have been voted top of the list in the North West, but would have been continuing for all the wrong reasons, which would have been unfair to the members who supported me, and wrong for me personally. What finally made up my mind to stand down was the feeling of anti-climax when I got the result, I knew then the decision I had to make.
Au revoir pour maintenant!
Sad to see you go Gregg especially as things are improving all the time in UKIP at the moment. Come back when you've had a rest and ready for the fight again.
Oh dear. You didn't think it was going to be easy, did you?
Sorry to see you leave but can understand and respect your reasons. We did sometimes have our differences of opinion but I always felt they were professional, never personal, and we could always have a pint and a crack afterwards. If you ever visit the socialist republic of Hartlepool then you’re always welcome at the Allison Hacienda.
If I thought things were improving I would have stayed put and fought. we have had no effective leadership for two years and, for ost of that time, my job as RO was trying to bolster morale and hold things together. Sadly, the Brussels influence on the Party that I mentioned in my hustings speeches has just got worse since the conference.
Cheers Steve, look forward to a pint soon in the SRH. If not then a pint of Lancaster Bomber here in God's county, and watch your back!
I attended the conference and heard the new chairman virtually threaten the members in his 'You're either with us or against us' speech and I've just found out this week that Marta Andreason is not against the EU but just wants it reforming.
You have done the right thing. I think it will only be a short time before UKIP spouts the 'in Europe not run by Europe' phrase. Like you I won't be wasting any more of my time or money on UKIP.
I assume the two Anonymouses (or Anonymi?) are not the same. Anybody who thinks 'things are improving all the time in UKIP' is very naive or being disingenuous. Or is pehaps a Farage sycophant? I will be fighting the real fight don't worry about that.
Come on Gregg, why did you pack in really?
Shame you have to ask 'anonymously' but the reasons for me leaving I have made quite clear. We didn't defeat the Nazis by joining the SS. Add to that a party with a leader who has gone native, is a megalomaniac with no class or decency, who surrounds himsef with talentless sycophants and it is obvious why I, like many others, have gone.
You may be right, but it does seem a pity when strong characters bow out.
Fighting lost causes is not how I want to spend my time. I have also decided to reject any more anonymous posts as I cannot tell whether 'anonymous' is one or several people.
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