Thursday, April 05, 2012

Blog Plug-eChurch Blog

This week is the third anniversary of the launch of Stuart's eChurch Blog. That's why I've decided to make Stuart's blog the first of what will be a regular feature, my very own Blog Plug featuring other blogs that I read and enjoy.

Stuart's blog description carries the following quote from Acts: "I am not out of my mind, most excellent Festus, but I utter words of sober truth". He proudly blogs as " a Christian with a penchant for blogging current events through the prism of faith". Stuart is on the journey to join the rest of us in the Roman Catholic Church and his blog often challenges in a refreshing, lively but authoritative way.

I first met Stuart in Wetminster Cathedral last year before the first ever gathering of the Guild of Catholic Bloggers (Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma). Below is Stuart's post from yesterday about his three years blogging:

eChurch Blog Third Blogiversary

It’s hard to believe that I started this blog three years ago on 4th April 2009.

This blog has changed dramatically since its inception, due to the fact that I’ve changed.

From hard-core Evangelical beginnings, I now find myself on the road to Rome, which along with Dale Aquist, I view as a glorious defeat.

As an Evangelical Protestant I used to hold to a Catholic conspiracy theory; now I realise that many Catholics on the Internet hold to a Catholic conspiracy theory, but that’s a story, for another time.

Some time ago I stopped classifying myself as a ‘Christian Blogger’ and changed to a ‘blogger who happens to be Christian’. I feel far more comfortable with this definition for obvious reasons.

Traffic remains steady and very healthy for a niche blog such as this one; although, conversation has been fairly quiet in recent months. Like everything this tends to boom and slump.

The fact that traffic has remained steady has pleased me, as I post far less nowadays, but do try to infuse more thought and opinion and what have you.

I’d like at this point to particularly thank Goy and Tim for always making such valued contributions and sending me links. And special thanks go to Simian, who has been commenting since the very beginning, when this blog was black in colour and in mood.

And of course thanks to everybody else that’s contributed.

In terms of thanking other bloggers, I wouldn’t even know where to begin. I currently have 567 blogs in my feeds. But you know who you are and the part you’ve played in the changes I’ve undergone due to your posts.

I will admit that over the last few weeks I’ve been again going through one of those phases in which it’s rather hard to blog, as everything appears a little dull and repetitive. Same old arguments and battles; different day.

I’m never quite sure if everything is objectively boring, or if it’s more reflective of my state of mind. I suspect the latter, and we’ve been here before, when I wrote a boring blog post about being bored.

But I’m sure this will pass, as it has done so in days gone by.

Thank you so much for reading this blog.

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