Thursday, July 17, 2008

Faggot, Pikey, Chav

There you are, in one heading I have used three words that the Fabian Society believe are no longer acceptable and should be banned. Those sanctimonious, humourless PC tits (whoops, that might be another one) at the Fabian Society are at it again. Here is a review of an article in the Fabian Review telling those dear old lefties how evil it is to use the word 'chav'.

They are absolutely appalled that there are websites dedicated to ridiculing 'chavs'. They would be even more appalled to see a shop window in Lancaster proudly displaying their latest t-shirt design bearing the logo 'Vale of Lune Annual Chav Shoot 2008'. They would probably have the shop shut down and the owner on the dole to save the blushes of a nasty little chav.

If you are worried the Fabian Society might be trying to protect you then try The Chav Test. . And if it is you then perhaps you should NOT visit this website. Personally I like chavs, if the football gets boring they give you something to laugh at and take the mickey out of.

In reality the important thing with language is the context, as any reasonably intelligent, mature adult is aware. Sadly the Fabians, like most socialists, are humourless control freaks who love nothing more than taking offence on behalf of a third party, who is probably not in the least bit offended anyway. In fact they are a bit like the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams.


Anonymous said...

(Can I say that?)

Sutan Pendak said...

Another good thing about the, likely, incoming Tory Government, apart from their policy of destroying The Guardian, is that Think Tanks like the Fabian Society will lose influence. Meanwhile, hopefully, the Adam Smith Institute and Taxpayer's Alliance will gain more influence on Government policy.

Gregg said...

Anon-say what you want on here, but pray those nasty Fabians don't pay you a visit in the middle of the night!

T bish-we had excellent speakers at the UKIP NW spring rally from TPA, ASI and No2Id and I believe these groups would strike a real chord with the general public.