Monday, September 12, 2011

A Catholic Political Party For England?

I see little to appeal to me in most UK political parties, especially the big three. As we've seen with Nadine Dorries those who are pro-life and stick their heads above the parapet are likely to have it shot at in the most extreme and abusive manner. The message being keep your morals to yourself thank you. You only have to dip into the internet to find the kind of vile abuse hurled at Christians, especially Catholics, from enlightened progressives on a daily basis.

Somebody commented on another post that maybe a Catholic political party in Britain might be a way forward. I admit it was something I hadn't previously considered, but it might be an idea worth floating. So that's the aim of this post.

Setting up a political party takes work but a few enthusiastic people can do it. With the internet raising awareness of a new party is easier than it has ever been.

Any party would have to be open to members who were not necessarily practising Catholics but, as Catholic moral teaching would form the core principles those who disagree would be unlikely to join.

Then there is the question of negotiating realistic policies. When a group of people come together with something in common that is fine, but compromise in many policy areas would be essential if coherent policies were to be developed.

With no existing parties offering a moral position that I find acceptable maybe a Catholic party is the way forward. Or is it? I don't know. But I'd be interested in hearing what people, especially Roman Catholics or those sympathetic to the position of the Roman Catholic church on a range of current issues think about the idea.

Thank you to 'Anonymous' for raising the idea in a comment on this earlier post.


Anonymous said...

Yes, eminently feasible but one would need to find a constituency where some sort of an electoral impact could be made. Where are the major Catholic settlements? Manchester? Liverpool? or elsewhere?
It would get my vote.

Gregg said...

Thanks for that comment.

I think you're right in carefully choosing an area, and I would go along with Manchester or Liverpool.

Liverpool has a big Catholic population and Liverpool Riverside constituency consistently has lowest turnout in general elections. Maybe voters there are looking for an alternative.

Stuart said...

Gloucester also has a large Catholic community: Irish, Indian, Polish, philippines etc. As well as other communites that are "Eastern Rite" who would also.

Left-footer said...

Gregg & Anonymous - it would get my support and vote, provided it did not compromise on abortion, euthanasia, and education.

Gregg said...

Gloucester, why not? Thanks Stuart.

Yes Chris, I think the three areas you mention are absolutes and not up for discussion. If we move this idea forward then I have no doubt there will be other areas that we would agree as being non-negotiable.

The fun would be asgreeing on more general 'political' policies.

Sean O'Hare said...

Hi Gregg

I am very comfortable with Catholic morals, but as sn sgnostic I would not wish to sign up to most of the RC doctine. I really don't think religion and politics should be mixed as that is what has led to Sharia Law in Islamic countries.

Anonymous said...

ho! Ho! HO!

Straight in there getting things moving Gregg, you don't mess around.

*There was a party called Resurgence set up a few years ago but I think it was only a blog. I don't think anything got of the ground.

* It might be worth staying out of constituencies where the Christian Party/CPA is standing by "Gentlemen's agreement"

*Catholic social theory offers a nonsocialist alternative to "free-market" capitalism. Worth mining for economic policy because:
A. The current time is ripe for that to be well received.
B. Promoting this will give exposure to a side of Catholic teaching that non-Catholics are largely unaware of.

*"Just War" theology is a strong critique of govt misadventure in Mid East.

*Blue labour/Red Tory ideas will probably be unused as policy by main parties. They could be co-opted by yourselves.

*Suggest candidates are selected early, & wisely, from outspoken trad Catholics. Would suggest actually have them stand in their home areas because their social networks will act as a good cluster of supporters & voters.

*Remember that profile of Catholicism is raised by this. Not just a political aim.

Jonathan said...

I think the difficulty would lie in proclaiming a 'Catholic' answer to political problems. In the case of abortion there is clearly only one genuinely Catholic policy; a total ban is required. But what about other policy areas? Catholics should have concern for the poor. However they can decide for themselves how to achieve a fair society: a high taxation welfare state system or a smaller state with a bigger charitable sector. Ultimately our unity is in Christ, in our supernatural Faith, not in our favoured solutions to practical problems.