Monday, March 15, 2010

Vote Labour?

It's very interesting in my constituency of Morecambe and Lunesdale at the moment. The defending MP is the idiot champagne guzzling socialist Geraldine Smith, who is something like 110th on the Tory Party's hitlist of targets for a general election victory. Even after winning a champagne guzzling contest with the prat MP Bill Etherington she'll probably get back in. No leaflets yet though.

The Tories, on the other hand, are sending us regular bumph that would, a few years ago, have ended up on a nail in the bog at the end of the yard. What's interesting about the Tory bumph is that it is mostly fired off from Millbank and carries a photo of chubby cheeks Cameron with a gormless half grin on his face. Having said that it strikes me as odd from a party that claims to want to decentralise power back to us local yokels. In fact, despite all the crap from the Tories I still don't know the name of the local candidate. What I do know is he looks like a gimp middle manager in a grey suit and has a similar chubby cheeked imbecilic half grin on his face to Dave's when I have glimpsed him in a leaflet peering at a cracked pavement or cleaning up a steaming dog turd to show how caring he is.

But anybody thinking of voting Labour should remember that Gordon Brown's "new start" includes Lady Mandy Mandelson, Charlie Whelan,Damian McBride and Derek "Dolly" Draper. What a team of spivs, shysters and utterly devious and deviant knobheads.

So if you want more of the same old authoritarian bullshit, government mithering and lies then vote Labour.

On the other hand, if you want more of the same old authoritarian bullshit, government mithering and lies then vote Conservative.

What's the difference?

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