The Brexit vote has made 2016 one of my happiest years ever, my pleasure only heightened at the sight of the Remainiacs and snowflakes yarling and stamping their feet and generally behaving like the spoilt brat losers they are and always will be.
2017 should see the process of extricating ourselves from the authoritarian, economic basket case that is the European Union formally begin, but we need to remain vigilant. The EU has history when it comes to overturning democratic decisions they dislike and, as each day passes, I lose a little more faith in Theresa May's sincerity and ability. We shall see.
So I wish you all a peaceful, happy and prosperous New Year. One of my New Year's resolutions is to blog much more regularly in 2017, for good or ill, so that's it for 2016.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Thursday, November 03, 2016
Brexit-A Couple of Questions
Question 1: What is the significance of the following figures?
A) 39.5
B) 51.9
Answer: A is the average percentage vote garnered by the winning parties at UK general elections from 1987 to 2015. The highest being 43.2% in 1997, the lowest 35.2% in 2005.
While B (51.9%) is the percentage who voted for Brexit on 23 June 2016.
Question 2: Which result led to a legal challenge?
Answer: B
And they think that's democratic.
Tuesday, November 01, 2016
Orgreave and the Miners' Strike
You can tell the lunatics have taken over the Labour asylum, they're banging on about the bloody miners' strike again. You might remember that, back in 1984 when the miners, led by a bastard called Scargill, tried to bring down the democratically elected government. Yes, give or take a year or two it was over 30 years ago.
Contrary to the opinion of Comedy Corbyn and his ilk the miners were gullible fools being used by Scargill for his own megalomaniac purposes. A high proportion of those on strike or supporting the strikers were nothing but violent thugs who travelled miles as 'flying pickets' to terrify and intimidate other workers into supporting their strike. In Manchester at the time even those of us working in local government suffered threats and intimidation from those supporting the strikers.
Just recently the comedy comrades of the Labour Party have been whining about the events at Orgreave during the miners' strike. I won't bore you with the details but in a nutshell thousands of pickets turned up to close down the Orgreave coking plant in South Yorkshire. Having been overrun elsewhere by massed mobs of pickets the police were there in enough numbers to repel the mob during a long, hot day of serious violence.
The current Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, last week refused a public enquiry into the actions of the police at Orgreave, and quite right she was too. Labour MP Andy Burnham is milking the situation for his own ends, probably sucking up to the left before he runs for the post of mayor for Greater Manchester. He is stamping his feet and crying about the injustice of Amber Rudd's decision.
From 2007 until they were defeated in 2010 Burnham held various offices in the Labour government. He was elected as an MP in 2001. In 1997 Labour won the general election and were in government until we were liberated in 2010. It's odd that throughout those years successive Labour governments failed to hold a public enquiry into the events at Orgreave.
Why are they suddenly demanding a ludicrously expensive public enquiry into an event that has been well researched and documented over the last thirty years? The pickets were violent thugs and the police acted very robustly. Let it rest. But the Labour Party is now in the hands of vile lefties who are trying to recreate the hatred that fuelled their anti-democratic actions throughout the 1970s and 1980s, especially during the miners' strike. They didn't win then and they won't win now.
Contrary to the opinion of Comedy Corbyn and his ilk the miners were gullible fools being used by Scargill for his own megalomaniac purposes. A high proportion of those on strike or supporting the strikers were nothing but violent thugs who travelled miles as 'flying pickets' to terrify and intimidate other workers into supporting their strike. In Manchester at the time even those of us working in local government suffered threats and intimidation from those supporting the strikers.
Just recently the comedy comrades of the Labour Party have been whining about the events at Orgreave during the miners' strike. I won't bore you with the details but in a nutshell thousands of pickets turned up to close down the Orgreave coking plant in South Yorkshire. Having been overrun elsewhere by massed mobs of pickets the police were there in enough numbers to repel the mob during a long, hot day of serious violence.
The current Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, last week refused a public enquiry into the actions of the police at Orgreave, and quite right she was too. Labour MP Andy Burnham is milking the situation for his own ends, probably sucking up to the left before he runs for the post of mayor for Greater Manchester. He is stamping his feet and crying about the injustice of Amber Rudd's decision.
From 2007 until they were defeated in 2010 Burnham held various offices in the Labour government. He was elected as an MP in 2001. In 1997 Labour won the general election and were in government until we were liberated in 2010. It's odd that throughout those years successive Labour governments failed to hold a public enquiry into the events at Orgreave.
Why are they suddenly demanding a ludicrously expensive public enquiry into an event that has been well researched and documented over the last thirty years? The pickets were violent thugs and the police acted very robustly. Let it rest. But the Labour Party is now in the hands of vile lefties who are trying to recreate the hatred that fuelled their anti-democratic actions throughout the 1970s and 1980s, especially during the miners' strike. They didn't win then and they won't win now.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Remainiacs and Tantrums
Last year 36% of people elected a government in the UK and there were no calls for a second election. On Thursday 52% voted to leave the European Union and there were cries from a proportion of the losers for a second referendum. The Remainiacs are stamping their feet and throwing tantrums up and down the country. They have organised demos against the decision of the people that will no doubt end in attacks on the police and property.
The most disgusting of the Remainiac cry babies is David Lammy MP for Tottenham. He is urging parliament to ignore the referendum and carry on as usual, which is to ignore the electorate and treat us with utter contempt. He is now whining that there should never again be a referendum on any issue. No, we can't have the people having a say can we? Our masters know what's best, or so the likes of Lammy think.
Remainiacs have even been conned into supporting a petition calling for a second referendum set up by a group known for pulling stunts like this. The petition has been referred to parliament for investigation after it was alleged that hundreds of thousands of signatures have been faked and hundreds of thousands of the signatories were outside the UK but had been given UK postcodes. The stupidity of the government's petition system is that all that is needed to authenticate a signature is a UK postcode. To be honest anybody who saw the number of signatures growing by the hundreds of thousands by the hour should have smelt a rat. But the Remainiacs prove themselves time and again to be gullible and foolish.
Then there is the immorality of the Remain camp from day one in claiming that Remain was the only way to vote if you care for your children, grandchildren and young people generally. They organised a vile exercise that you would have expected in the USSR and told kids to see their grandparents and other older people and convince them to vote for Remain as it was the kids' future not the oldies' future that would be affected. There was an arrogant assumption that leaving would be bad, no convincing arguments, just moral blackmail. The sad thing is I know at least one 46 year old who fell for this con trick and voted Remain because that's how is kids said they would have voted if they were old enough. Interesting that only around 36% of under 25s got off their lazy arses to actually vote whereas 75% of over 55s did. Which group cares more about the future?
I was too young to vote in the 1975 referendum on the EEC but was studying for 'O' Levels in Government Economics and Commerce and Economic Principles amongst others. I argued at the time and tried to convince older friends and relatives to vote Out. At no point did I, or as I remember at the time the Out campaign, try to use moral blackmail by claiming that they should vote my way because it was my future not theirs. That would have been ugly and plain wrong not to say offensive. After the result to stay there were no cries for another referendum or tantrums and foot stamping from the Out campaign. We got on with it, carried on campaigning and on Thursday we had our day.
Throughout this campaign and in the aftermath the Remainiacs have been pretty nasty and unpleasant. Brexiteers have been accused of being xenophobic, racist, Little Englanders, idiots, semi-educated morons and worse. I was abused on the streets twice while campaigning but having fascist shouted at me doesn't tend to persuade me to change my position believe me. But I know of other people who have left, or are considering leaving social media, because of the abuse they've faced from Remainiacs, people who they thought were friends.
If the likes of Lammy and the Remainiacs even think they can ignore or overthrow the will of 17m people they really do not understand the anger and frustration behind our loathing of not just the EU but the political class and the establishment in the UK. They should be very careful as should the Conservative government if they try and water down Brexit in any way.
We have had our chance to speak and you ignore us at your peril.
The most disgusting of the Remainiac cry babies is David Lammy MP for Tottenham. He is urging parliament to ignore the referendum and carry on as usual, which is to ignore the electorate and treat us with utter contempt. He is now whining that there should never again be a referendum on any issue. No, we can't have the people having a say can we? Our masters know what's best, or so the likes of Lammy think.
Remainiacs have even been conned into supporting a petition calling for a second referendum set up by a group known for pulling stunts like this. The petition has been referred to parliament for investigation after it was alleged that hundreds of thousands of signatures have been faked and hundreds of thousands of the signatories were outside the UK but had been given UK postcodes. The stupidity of the government's petition system is that all that is needed to authenticate a signature is a UK postcode. To be honest anybody who saw the number of signatures growing by the hundreds of thousands by the hour should have smelt a rat. But the Remainiacs prove themselves time and again to be gullible and foolish.
Then there is the immorality of the Remain camp from day one in claiming that Remain was the only way to vote if you care for your children, grandchildren and young people generally. They organised a vile exercise that you would have expected in the USSR and told kids to see their grandparents and other older people and convince them to vote for Remain as it was the kids' future not the oldies' future that would be affected. There was an arrogant assumption that leaving would be bad, no convincing arguments, just moral blackmail. The sad thing is I know at least one 46 year old who fell for this con trick and voted Remain because that's how is kids said they would have voted if they were old enough. Interesting that only around 36% of under 25s got off their lazy arses to actually vote whereas 75% of over 55s did. Which group cares more about the future?
I was too young to vote in the 1975 referendum on the EEC but was studying for 'O' Levels in Government Economics and Commerce and Economic Principles amongst others. I argued at the time and tried to convince older friends and relatives to vote Out. At no point did I, or as I remember at the time the Out campaign, try to use moral blackmail by claiming that they should vote my way because it was my future not theirs. That would have been ugly and plain wrong not to say offensive. After the result to stay there were no cries for another referendum or tantrums and foot stamping from the Out campaign. We got on with it, carried on campaigning and on Thursday we had our day.
Throughout this campaign and in the aftermath the Remainiacs have been pretty nasty and unpleasant. Brexiteers have been accused of being xenophobic, racist, Little Englanders, idiots, semi-educated morons and worse. I was abused on the streets twice while campaigning but having fascist shouted at me doesn't tend to persuade me to change my position believe me. But I know of other people who have left, or are considering leaving social media, because of the abuse they've faced from Remainiacs, people who they thought were friends.
If the likes of Lammy and the Remainiacs even think they can ignore or overthrow the will of 17m people they really do not understand the anger and frustration behind our loathing of not just the EU but the political class and the establishment in the UK. They should be very careful as should the Conservative government if they try and water down Brexit in any way.
We have had our chance to speak and you ignore us at your peril.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
The Remain Campaign-Lies And Half Truths At Best
I had an amusing exchange on t'interweb with a not very bright Remainer yesterday who claimed that voting Leave would be 'a leap into the unknown'. She clearly has no idea of the world that exists outside the European Union and the fact that the EU is one of the most economically stagnant regions of the world. She then came back to claim that it was FACT that it would be a leap into the unknown. Clearly she is incapable of telling opinion from fact, take a good look at Greece's recent history and tell me whether they leapt into the unknown when they joined the Euro.
She then went on to say that she would rather be in the EU than stuck in the crappy little old UK. I wondered if by that she meant she would be emigrating and going to live in an other EU country that isn't so crappy. Maybe she should position herself and a gang of Remainers at airports and seaports and tell the 300,000 people a year coming here to go back, this is a crappy little old country not worth the trouble of entering. I think the fact that so many people are desperate to come to live here says that we are one of the most desirable countries in the world in which to live and we should stop running our country down.
During the same discussion another contributor claimed that the EU would protect us from far-right nationalists. The danger is actually from the growth of far-right nationalists within the EU, a development which has pretty much passed the UK by over the decades. Off the top of my head I could list:
Golden Dawn (Greece)
Freedom Party (Austria)
Alternative for Deutschland (Germany)
National Front (France)
Vlaams Belang (Belgium)
Sweden Democrats
Northern League (Italy)
The problem is that the Remainers make things up, then move onto another porkie when it is pointed out to them.
Workers' rights is another one. To say that workers' rights would go is a lie. The EU legislates a minimum of 20 days paid annual leave. UK legislation is for 5 weeks and 3 days which was in legislation 35 years before we joined the EU. The EU legislated for 14 weeks statutory maternity leave. In UK law it is 52 weeks and so it goes on. In a nutshell upon #Brexit the UK government would have the choice on what legislation to adopt, most of our workers' rights are already more generous than those the EU dictates so why should we be worse off? It doesn't make sense.
Our trade would suffer if we left the EU. Why? We have a massive trade deficit with the EU which reached a record £8.1bn last October. Thanks to our remaining outside the Eurozone we have much lower unemployment levels, especially youth unemployment, than all the other countries apart from Czech Republic and Germany. Our level is 5%, Czech Republic is 4.5% with Germany on 4.3%. Greece and Spain are both on over 20% and the EU average is 8.9%. Would these countries suddenly refuse to trade with us? Refuse to sell us cars, wine, cheese, fruit and vegetables and all manner of other goods? As we buy far more from them than they do from us who would be hurt most? Where would the further increase in unemployment bite?
The Remainers are circulating lists of huge financial organisations that support their cause. I hardly think that banking organisations and international financial bodies strike the average voter as being a reliable source of advice on voting in the referendum on Thursday. Take the IMF that has admitted getting the negative impact of the Euro on the EU completely wrong and whose chief is currently on trial for fraud and embezzlement. HM Treasury has proclaimed disaster if we #Brexit. Is this the same HM Treaasury and cried disaster if we left the ERM and then likewise if we didn't join the Euro? The same HM Treasury that failed to spot the looming banking crisis of 2007/08?
Don't get me onto the purely selfish "I've got a house in Spain/France/Portugal etc" brigade. I know people who have property in other countries, the USA and Belize to name but two, last time I checked neither was a member of the EU. That's almost as puerile as wanting to adopt the Euro so you don't have to change money when you go abroad. I've even heard somebody declare for Remain because he studied for 6 months in Holland when a student and that would end. No it wouldn't. Students study all over the world not just within the European Union and that needn't end when we leave. I 've worked in Greece, before it was a member of the EU and Mexico, which is obviously not in the EU. Remainers increasingly sound like Little Europeaners wanting to build a wall around their little project to block out the big wide world. And they accuse Leavers of xenophobia/racism and being isolationist.
The truly idiotic in the Remain camp have claimed that the EU is more democratic. The European Parliament cannot initiate legislation. It can only debate and vote on proposals that come from the unelected European Commission. If they reject it then it goes back to the EC. If they then vote against a second time it goes through anyway. The European Parliament is a sham. You cannot vote out the European Commissioners, we voted out Labour in 2010, the Lib Dems in 2015 and could vote out the Tories in 2020 or earlier.
I have yet to hear a single convincing and truthful argument for Remain.
She then went on to say that she would rather be in the EU than stuck in the crappy little old UK. I wondered if by that she meant she would be emigrating and going to live in an other EU country that isn't so crappy. Maybe she should position herself and a gang of Remainers at airports and seaports and tell the 300,000 people a year coming here to go back, this is a crappy little old country not worth the trouble of entering. I think the fact that so many people are desperate to come to live here says that we are one of the most desirable countries in the world in which to live and we should stop running our country down.
During the same discussion another contributor claimed that the EU would protect us from far-right nationalists. The danger is actually from the growth of far-right nationalists within the EU, a development which has pretty much passed the UK by over the decades. Off the top of my head I could list:
Golden Dawn (Greece)
Freedom Party (Austria)
Alternative for Deutschland (Germany)
National Front (France)
Vlaams Belang (Belgium)
Sweden Democrats
Northern League (Italy)
The problem is that the Remainers make things up, then move onto another porkie when it is pointed out to them.
Workers' rights is another one. To say that workers' rights would go is a lie. The EU legislates a minimum of 20 days paid annual leave. UK legislation is for 5 weeks and 3 days which was in legislation 35 years before we joined the EU. The EU legislated for 14 weeks statutory maternity leave. In UK law it is 52 weeks and so it goes on. In a nutshell upon #Brexit the UK government would have the choice on what legislation to adopt, most of our workers' rights are already more generous than those the EU dictates so why should we be worse off? It doesn't make sense.
Our trade would suffer if we left the EU. Why? We have a massive trade deficit with the EU which reached a record £8.1bn last October. Thanks to our remaining outside the Eurozone we have much lower unemployment levels, especially youth unemployment, than all the other countries apart from Czech Republic and Germany. Our level is 5%, Czech Republic is 4.5% with Germany on 4.3%. Greece and Spain are both on over 20% and the EU average is 8.9%. Would these countries suddenly refuse to trade with us? Refuse to sell us cars, wine, cheese, fruit and vegetables and all manner of other goods? As we buy far more from them than they do from us who would be hurt most? Where would the further increase in unemployment bite?
The Remainers are circulating lists of huge financial organisations that support their cause. I hardly think that banking organisations and international financial bodies strike the average voter as being a reliable source of advice on voting in the referendum on Thursday. Take the IMF that has admitted getting the negative impact of the Euro on the EU completely wrong and whose chief is currently on trial for fraud and embezzlement. HM Treasury has proclaimed disaster if we #Brexit. Is this the same HM Treaasury and cried disaster if we left the ERM and then likewise if we didn't join the Euro? The same HM Treasury that failed to spot the looming banking crisis of 2007/08?
Don't get me onto the purely selfish "I've got a house in Spain/France/Portugal etc" brigade. I know people who have property in other countries, the USA and Belize to name but two, last time I checked neither was a member of the EU. That's almost as puerile as wanting to adopt the Euro so you don't have to change money when you go abroad. I've even heard somebody declare for Remain because he studied for 6 months in Holland when a student and that would end. No it wouldn't. Students study all over the world not just within the European Union and that needn't end when we leave. I 've worked in Greece, before it was a member of the EU and Mexico, which is obviously not in the EU. Remainers increasingly sound like Little Europeaners wanting to build a wall around their little project to block out the big wide world. And they accuse Leavers of xenophobia/racism and being isolationist.
The truly idiotic in the Remain camp have claimed that the EU is more democratic. The European Parliament cannot initiate legislation. It can only debate and vote on proposals that come from the unelected European Commission. If they reject it then it goes back to the EC. If they then vote against a second time it goes through anyway. The European Parliament is a sham. You cannot vote out the European Commissioners, we voted out Labour in 2010, the Lib Dems in 2015 and could vote out the Tories in 2020 or earlier.
I have yet to hear a single convincing and truthful argument for Remain.
Wednesday, June 01, 2016
EU Referendum Campaign or National Lying Competition?
My position is clear, and has been since before we joined what is now the EU in 1973, I want out. I remember as a young teenager in 1975 listening to the lies of Ted Heath and others as millions of voters were blatantly conned into voting to stay in the EEC. But credit to Ted Heath, he was a little bit clever and many people didn't believe he was lying, which has since been proven beyond doubt.
Fast forward to 2016 and David Cameron and the Remain campaign. I can't help but imagine Cameron and Co gathered in a sumptuous lounge in 10 Downing Street, claret in hand, giggling and smoking big fat cigars as they try to outdo each other in making outrageous claims of what will happen if we vote Leave on June 23rd. Unlike Ted Heath they are not trying to hide their lies and think we are so stupid we won't see them for the lies they are.
Off the top of my head here are some the insane claims of the Remainers:
Brexit would lead to World War III and genocide.
Brexit would lead to the loss of 1m jobs.
Brexit would lead to mass immigration.
Brexit would lead to poorer care for pregnant women.
Brexit would mean British workers losing employment rights.
Brexit would lead to an increase in terrorism in the UK.
Brexit is supported by the leaders of ISIS.
During the London mayoral election David Cameron stood up in the House of Commons and condemned Sadiq Khan as an extremist sympathiser who has shared a platform on numerous occasions with Islamic radicals and extremists. Last week he shared a platform with the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, as they launched the London Remain campaign. Cameron is a full blown hypocrite as well as an unapologetic liar.
If you are happy to be led, zombie like, by a group of cheats and liars then vote Remain because our politicians in Westminster are novices compared to the politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels when it comes to lying and cheating. I saw it first hand myself when I worked for a UKIP MEP.
The EU is a stagnant economy with lower economic growth than any other continent. The EU has tariffs that block trade with developing countries and Commonwealth countries. The Eurozone is a disaster waiting to explode and when it does it will bring down the whole of the European Union. That is what will lead to the claims made above about Brexit by the Remainers.
June 23rd is a once in a lifetime opportunity to free ourselves from the shackles of a corrupt, authoritarian bureaucracy and to take a leap of freedom into the greater world of opportunity that exists outside the EU.
Fast forward to 2016 and David Cameron and the Remain campaign. I can't help but imagine Cameron and Co gathered in a sumptuous lounge in 10 Downing Street, claret in hand, giggling and smoking big fat cigars as they try to outdo each other in making outrageous claims of what will happen if we vote Leave on June 23rd. Unlike Ted Heath they are not trying to hide their lies and think we are so stupid we won't see them for the lies they are.
Off the top of my head here are some the insane claims of the Remainers:
Brexit would lead to World War III and genocide.
Brexit would lead to the loss of 1m jobs.
Brexit would lead to mass immigration.
Brexit would lead to poorer care for pregnant women.
Brexit would mean British workers losing employment rights.
Brexit would lead to an increase in terrorism in the UK.
Brexit is supported by the leaders of ISIS.
During the London mayoral election David Cameron stood up in the House of Commons and condemned Sadiq Khan as an extremist sympathiser who has shared a platform on numerous occasions with Islamic radicals and extremists. Last week he shared a platform with the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, as they launched the London Remain campaign. Cameron is a full blown hypocrite as well as an unapologetic liar.
If you are happy to be led, zombie like, by a group of cheats and liars then vote Remain because our politicians in Westminster are novices compared to the politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels when it comes to lying and cheating. I saw it first hand myself when I worked for a UKIP MEP.
The EU is a stagnant economy with lower economic growth than any other continent. The EU has tariffs that block trade with developing countries and Commonwealth countries. The Eurozone is a disaster waiting to explode and when it does it will bring down the whole of the European Union. That is what will lead to the claims made above about Brexit by the Remainers.
June 23rd is a once in a lifetime opportunity to free ourselves from the shackles of a corrupt, authoritarian bureaucracy and to take a leap of freedom into the greater world of opportunity that exists outside the EU.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
The Infantilisation of a Nation
If it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious. I've been mulling over this post for days and days and every time I think I'll start it another example of infantilisation pops up. Every day there seems to be another group popping up crying and angered by somebody criticising them and wanting their critics banned or hung drawn and quartered.
Unless you've just come out of a very long coma you'll be aware that David Cameron invested in his deceased father's offshore company, sold his shares and paid tax to HMRC on the profit. Perfectly legal but the emotionally incontinent leftards went into meltdown and cried and wailed, as they do, for him to resign. What he did was perfectly legal so why resign? Not very bright are they?
So, for the leftards who love to cry 'rich bastard' at anybody with a few bob more than them, often because they're a little brighter, here it is in simple language. A company is set up in Panama, could be Jersey, Isle of Man or any other low tax state. Said company then invests in businesses all over the world. When it invests in the USA for example it pays relevant taxes and duty in the USA on that part of the business. When the profits are back in Panama the Panamanian government decides what taxes etc, if any, are due. If they decide zero tax is due then it's their business, not a bunch of screaming economically challenged leftards frothing at the mouth and waving juvenile placards in Whitehall. When profits from said investment are sent to the investor in the UK then that money becomes liable to HMRC taxes and duty. David Cameron paid all his tax. There, it really is that simple. If you are still struggling ignore the term 'tax haven' and instead think of these places as low tax economies because that's what they are really, just states that have lower taxes than others, in some cases none. A bit like ISAs but on a bigger scale.
Of course that simple explanation won't do for the envious bigots who just shout 'rich bastard' at anybody with more money than them because they are basically imbeciles who have been infantilised by socialism. So let's move onto the other things that have been proving how infantilised the populace has become.
Germaine Greer is in the shit again, this time in Australia. She had the audacity to question transgenderism last year saying "just because you lop off your doesn't make you a woman". A pretty reasonable thing to say I would have thought. But this week she tried to retreat because of the shitstorm fired at her for being honest and said that transgendered people couldn't know they were a woman in a man's body because "you don't know what the other sex is". Cue another shitstorm heading her way.
I don't care if somebody has a sex change, it's up to them what they do to their body. But I must have the right to believe and say that in my view it is the ultimate act of self harm and that if you are born a man you die a man, just with a bit less if you get my meaning. But in the current climate going against the politically correct orthodoxy will have the infantilised leftards wanting to have you imprisoned or hung, drawn and quartered alongside the tax efficient investors.
Then there is the European Union in/out referendum. I saw a debate on TV where several under eighteens were arguing that they should have a vote in the referendum on June 23rd. The consensus view appeared to be that politicians and political parties don't do enough to engage young people. What do they want? A free lolly if they join a party? Get off your lazy little arses, get off your keyboards and get involved. Don't wait for it to happen you infantile little turds, make it happen. Most political parties are so small in numbers these days that a few young people, with a few brain cells and a bit of effort, could probably take over the local branch of their party without much trouble. To be honest if they can't get off their fat arses and get involved why should they have the vote? Actually, that applies to millions of people, not just the under eighteens. Which brings me onto another aspect of the EU referendum.
It's 2016. There is the internet which means you can research virtually anything, within reason or not if you take a chance, from the comfort of your own living room. There is 24 hour news on the TV and radio. You can lie in bed in the morning and have as many newspapers and magazines delivered to your kindle as you want and not have to crawl out of your pit to go to the paper shop. Over the next few weeks you will have any number of leaflets pushed through your door by the Remain/Leave campaigns. The government has just spent £9m of our taxes on a propaganda sheet that is full of crap. All this yet I have lost count of the number of infantilised zombies who have complained that they don't understand the issues or just don't know enough to vote. As above, get off your lazy arses and find out for yourselves.
I've even heard one bloke, who I regard as pretty intelligent, complaining that there was too much information from both sides and that an independent body should be set up to look at all the information and then decide whether we stay in or leave. Honestly, that is the truth.
The Soviet Union infantilised its population making its citzens totally dependent on the state, to such a degree that the suicide rate soared after the fall of communism and people had to make decisions for themselves. I think we could be well on that slippery slope now.
Time to end on a lighter note:
Unless you've just come out of a very long coma you'll be aware that David Cameron invested in his deceased father's offshore company, sold his shares and paid tax to HMRC on the profit. Perfectly legal but the emotionally incontinent leftards went into meltdown and cried and wailed, as they do, for him to resign. What he did was perfectly legal so why resign? Not very bright are they?
So, for the leftards who love to cry 'rich bastard' at anybody with a few bob more than them, often because they're a little brighter, here it is in simple language. A company is set up in Panama, could be Jersey, Isle of Man or any other low tax state. Said company then invests in businesses all over the world. When it invests in the USA for example it pays relevant taxes and duty in the USA on that part of the business. When the profits are back in Panama the Panamanian government decides what taxes etc, if any, are due. If they decide zero tax is due then it's their business, not a bunch of screaming economically challenged leftards frothing at the mouth and waving juvenile placards in Whitehall. When profits from said investment are sent to the investor in the UK then that money becomes liable to HMRC taxes and duty. David Cameron paid all his tax. There, it really is that simple. If you are still struggling ignore the term 'tax haven' and instead think of these places as low tax economies because that's what they are really, just states that have lower taxes than others, in some cases none. A bit like ISAs but on a bigger scale.
Of course that simple explanation won't do for the envious bigots who just shout 'rich bastard' at anybody with more money than them because they are basically imbeciles who have been infantilised by socialism. So let's move onto the other things that have been proving how infantilised the populace has become.
Germaine Greer is in the shit again, this time in Australia. She had the audacity to question transgenderism last year saying "just because you lop off your doesn't make you a woman". A pretty reasonable thing to say I would have thought. But this week she tried to retreat because of the shitstorm fired at her for being honest and said that transgendered people couldn't know they were a woman in a man's body because "you don't know what the other sex is". Cue another shitstorm heading her way.
I don't care if somebody has a sex change, it's up to them what they do to their body. But I must have the right to believe and say that in my view it is the ultimate act of self harm and that if you are born a man you die a man, just with a bit less if you get my meaning. But in the current climate going against the politically correct orthodoxy will have the infantilised leftards wanting to have you imprisoned or hung, drawn and quartered alongside the tax efficient investors.
Then there is the European Union in/out referendum. I saw a debate on TV where several under eighteens were arguing that they should have a vote in the referendum on June 23rd. The consensus view appeared to be that politicians and political parties don't do enough to engage young people. What do they want? A free lolly if they join a party? Get off your lazy little arses, get off your keyboards and get involved. Don't wait for it to happen you infantile little turds, make it happen. Most political parties are so small in numbers these days that a few young people, with a few brain cells and a bit of effort, could probably take over the local branch of their party without much trouble. To be honest if they can't get off their fat arses and get involved why should they have the vote? Actually, that applies to millions of people, not just the under eighteens. Which brings me onto another aspect of the EU referendum.
It's 2016. There is the internet which means you can research virtually anything, within reason or not if you take a chance, from the comfort of your own living room. There is 24 hour news on the TV and radio. You can lie in bed in the morning and have as many newspapers and magazines delivered to your kindle as you want and not have to crawl out of your pit to go to the paper shop. Over the next few weeks you will have any number of leaflets pushed through your door by the Remain/Leave campaigns. The government has just spent £9m of our taxes on a propaganda sheet that is full of crap. All this yet I have lost count of the number of infantilised zombies who have complained that they don't understand the issues or just don't know enough to vote. As above, get off your lazy arses and find out for yourselves.
I've even heard one bloke, who I regard as pretty intelligent, complaining that there was too much information from both sides and that an independent body should be set up to look at all the information and then decide whether we stay in or leave. Honestly, that is the truth.
The Soviet Union infantilised its population making its citzens totally dependent on the state, to such a degree that the suicide rate soared after the fall of communism and people had to make decisions for themselves. I think we could be well on that slippery slope now.
Time to end on a lighter note:
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
St Patrick's Day
Just to say that we will celebrate St Patrick's Day when there are St George's Day parades in Dublin.
Until then, God save the Queen and Rule Britannia!
Sunday, February 28, 2016
We Are All Scum
Political correctness has created a vile streak of self loathing in certain sections of society and it's being propagated, in no small part, by the education system. If we had kids of school age I would be loathe to send them to state schools which increasingly appear to be nothing more than state indoctrination centres. Last week a teenage lad was reported to the police because he looked at the UK Independence Party website as part of a project on migration. That is nothing less than totalitarian bollocks and the school should be closed down and the staff involved barred from ever going near children again, either professionally or otherwise. If they have children they should be taken from them and adopted by reasonable, tolerant people.
Recently in Rochdale an imam was murdered. The powers that be and the media immediately called for calm among the large muslim population of the town in the light of an act of obviously islamophobic murder by a white, right wing extremist. It was obvious wasn't it? It has now been quietly released that Mohammed Hussain Syeedy has been charged with his murder.
There has been a lot of coverage this last week or two about the sentencing of a paedophile ring in Rotherham. Throughout the BBC coverage the word 'muslim' hasn't been used once in either reports or interviews about the case. I suppose, although there is a pattern of paedophilia in towns with large muslim populations, that to state it would be racist or, God forbid, islamophobic.
Now I'm as broadminded as the next bloke so if a bloke wants to indulge in the ultimate act of self mutilation and chop his penis off then grow a pair of chemically induced breasts then that's his business. But I have the right to question it and profess disapproval if I wish. According to the trainee fascists (aka students, see first paragraph) of York University that would make me 'transphobic' (click on link ). You see in the new politically correct fascist era to question any current orthodoxy makes you a phobic. Question open borders? Xenophobe. Don't approve of gay marriage? Homophobe. Not keen on islam? Islamophobe. Here's a new one: Don't approve of political correctness? Twatophobe.
Then there is Greg Dyke chairman of the English Football Association. Last week he was again banging on about needing more ethnic minorities involved in senior positions in the FA. Why? Why do governing bodies of anything have to be a cross representation of society? Do people who are not white automatically think differently to white people? I don't think so. I've seen many top class football teams in England with a disproportionately high percentage of non-white players. It doesn't bother me. It only ever seems to be white, middle class pinko liberals who obsess about race any more. Back in the 1970s there were virtually no black players in English football, today there are countless. Black players are not in teams because of positive discrimination, they are there on merit. If the do gooders left us all alone and stopped banging on about race we would all rub along very nicely thank you very much. So piss off and leave us alone.
I can't help but conclude that the politically correct, in their arrogant, patronising way regard those of us who are normal as scum, just waiting to be phobic or guilty of an ism. Well we're not and won't go along with your vile indoctrination.
Recently in Rochdale an imam was murdered. The powers that be and the media immediately called for calm among the large muslim population of the town in the light of an act of obviously islamophobic murder by a white, right wing extremist. It was obvious wasn't it? It has now been quietly released that Mohammed Hussain Syeedy has been charged with his murder.
There has been a lot of coverage this last week or two about the sentencing of a paedophile ring in Rotherham. Throughout the BBC coverage the word 'muslim' hasn't been used once in either reports or interviews about the case. I suppose, although there is a pattern of paedophilia in towns with large muslim populations, that to state it would be racist or, God forbid, islamophobic.
Now I'm as broadminded as the next bloke so if a bloke wants to indulge in the ultimate act of self mutilation and chop his penis off then grow a pair of chemically induced breasts then that's his business. But I have the right to question it and profess disapproval if I wish. According to the trainee fascists (aka students, see first paragraph) of York University that would make me 'transphobic' (click on link ). You see in the new politically correct fascist era to question any current orthodoxy makes you a phobic. Question open borders? Xenophobe. Don't approve of gay marriage? Homophobe. Not keen on islam? Islamophobe. Here's a new one: Don't approve of political correctness? Twatophobe.
Then there is Greg Dyke chairman of the English Football Association. Last week he was again banging on about needing more ethnic minorities involved in senior positions in the FA. Why? Why do governing bodies of anything have to be a cross representation of society? Do people who are not white automatically think differently to white people? I don't think so. I've seen many top class football teams in England with a disproportionately high percentage of non-white players. It doesn't bother me. It only ever seems to be white, middle class pinko liberals who obsess about race any more. Back in the 1970s there were virtually no black players in English football, today there are countless. Black players are not in teams because of positive discrimination, they are there on merit. If the do gooders left us all alone and stopped banging on about race we would all rub along very nicely thank you very much. So piss off and leave us alone.
I can't help but conclude that the politically correct, in their arrogant, patronising way regard those of us who are normal as scum, just waiting to be phobic or guilty of an ism. Well we're not and won't go along with your vile indoctrination.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
David Cameron-Pure Genius
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The Listening Prime Minister |
He set out out three years ago his dream of European Union reform and has spent the last three years dashing around the EU negotiating into the small hours culminating in a mammoth summit meeting in Munich (oops sorry about that I mean Brussels) last week. He has worked tirelessly and ceaselessly, quite possibly shedding blood, sweat and tears. His energy is to be admired.
So this weekend he came home from Munich (oops sorry about that I mean Brussels) and held a Saturday cabinet meeting. After that he announced that a referendum on our continued membership of the EU will be held on June 23rd.
The culmination of these three years of hard graft and negotiation will be what puts our current Prime Minister high in the history books for centuries to come as the genius who achieved what nobody else could, and what most of us thought was impossible. He has made Neville Chamberlain look like a political colossus.
Well done Prime Minister. What an achievement.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
The European Union-Liars and Cheats
David Cameron is a charlatan and, if there is any justice, he will be hounded out of office for his breathtaking hypocrisy and downright lies about his negotiations with the European Union.
He promised treaty change before a referendum. He hasn't got treaty change but will soon be announcing a referendum. In 1992 Denmark, after voting against the Maastricht Treaty were made promises about citizenship. They were bought off and in a second referendum voted in favour of Maastricht. Since then Danish efforts to get agreement, as promised, have been defeated 80 times by the European Union. What Cameron is offering is worthless.
Those campaigning to stay in are liars. EU countries will not stop selling goods to us if we leave. They sell far more to us than we do top them. They need us far more than we need them. Our trade with the EU is stagnant as the Eurozone bumbles from crisis to crisis. Our trade with the rest of the world is booming.
The liars claim that we can only defend ourselves from terror attacks by being in the EU. Open borders clearly make the movement of terrorists far easier than having border controls. You don't have to be a genius to see through that lie.
Since 1992 EU regulations have supposedly brought about cheap air travel. Leaving the EU would make air travel the sole preserve of a wealthy elite as it was prior to 1992. Funny that, I first flew on a family holiday in 1965 and regularly flew around the world prior to 1992. The little Europeaner zealots really do think we are as stupid as them.
Don't let the bastards scare you. We survived before 1973 and we will survive outside the European Union. In fact there is every reason to believe that we will be far better off as a free and independent nation once again. As travel, trade and communication around the world becomes ever easier what benefit is it to us to remain within one of the most stagnant and decaying economic areas in the world?
The EU is undemocratic and millions of our hard earned tax money is wasted every day subsidising the incompetence and downright corruption of the EU and many of its member states.
He promised treaty change before a referendum. He hasn't got treaty change but will soon be announcing a referendum. In 1992 Denmark, after voting against the Maastricht Treaty were made promises about citizenship. They were bought off and in a second referendum voted in favour of Maastricht. Since then Danish efforts to get agreement, as promised, have been defeated 80 times by the European Union. What Cameron is offering is worthless.
Those campaigning to stay in are liars. EU countries will not stop selling goods to us if we leave. They sell far more to us than we do top them. They need us far more than we need them. Our trade with the EU is stagnant as the Eurozone bumbles from crisis to crisis. Our trade with the rest of the world is booming.
The liars claim that we can only defend ourselves from terror attacks by being in the EU. Open borders clearly make the movement of terrorists far easier than having border controls. You don't have to be a genius to see through that lie.
Since 1992 EU regulations have supposedly brought about cheap air travel. Leaving the EU would make air travel the sole preserve of a wealthy elite as it was prior to 1992. Funny that, I first flew on a family holiday in 1965 and regularly flew around the world prior to 1992. The little Europeaner zealots really do think we are as stupid as them.
Don't let the bastards scare you. We survived before 1973 and we will survive outside the European Union. In fact there is every reason to believe that we will be far better off as a free and independent nation once again. As travel, trade and communication around the world becomes ever easier what benefit is it to us to remain within one of the most stagnant and decaying economic areas in the world?
The EU is undemocratic and millions of our hard earned tax money is wasted every day subsidising the incompetence and downright corruption of the EU and many of its member states.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Lefties and Islam
Witnessing the politically correct leftie brigade bending over backwards to make excuses for the barbaric actions of thousands of muslim migrants across Europe has been a very bizarre experience.
One of the most ridiculous the excuses I've heard is that all men are capable of rape and using events at New Year to tarnish the reputation of muslims is pure racism. Nope, wrong in three ways. It is the behaviour of thousands of muslims that tarnishes the reputation of muslims, indeed if muslims have ever had a good reputation. Secondly Islam is a religion not a race, therefore criticism of it cannot be regarded as racism. Thirdly I, and millions and millions of other men, are not capable of rape.
There were also claims that one man arrested in Cologne was a citizen of the USA therefore you can't blame it on Islam. No course you can't, one man out of thousands across Europe just makes it another fine example of multiculturalism in action doesn't it?
The mayor of Cologne has decided to go head to head with Frau Merkel in the cow-frau of the year race. Rather than sort out the muslim rapists and gropers she is planning guidance for German women in how to dress and behave in ways that do not provoke the sexual deviants who have recently arrived in the Fatherland. Maybe the burka would do the trick? Maybe that's why so many muslim women are happy to cover themselves from head to foot, they know their men have no self-control.
Now the police chief of Vienna, where gangs of muslims also attacked women at New Year, has added his two schillings to the debate by warning women not to go out alone. Tell you what mate, get your police force prepared to actually protect your women from these vile bastards. If you can't do that then don't suddenly find the resources to take action when your population decides to deal with the problem themselves.
Look at muslim countries all over the world and tell me they are the kind of places you would like to live. Generally speaking women have far fewer rights than men. In Saudi Arabia women aren't allowed to drive. Throughout the muslim world execution, often in public, is commonplace, as are public floggings. In many muslim countries women guilty of adultery are stoned to death and thieves have their hands chopped off.
Everywhere muslims pitch up they demand minority rights. Wherever muslims are a majority the rights of minorities are trampled on. How then can lefties defend this and accuse those opposed to the increasing numbers of muslims in Europe racist? It is because their loathing and hatred of the country and people that have given them such freedoms and rights is what drives their destructive political beliefs. Like Islam the creed of political correctness hates the west and all we stand for. Why else would lefties excuse the excesses of Islam when they are supposed to support equality for all?
Finally, if you have to warn women how to dress and behave to avoid being groped or raped by immigrants maybe they are the type of immigrants you really shouldn't have in your country.
One of the most ridiculous the excuses I've heard is that all men are capable of rape and using events at New Year to tarnish the reputation of muslims is pure racism. Nope, wrong in three ways. It is the behaviour of thousands of muslims that tarnishes the reputation of muslims, indeed if muslims have ever had a good reputation. Secondly Islam is a religion not a race, therefore criticism of it cannot be regarded as racism. Thirdly I, and millions and millions of other men, are not capable of rape.
There were also claims that one man arrested in Cologne was a citizen of the USA therefore you can't blame it on Islam. No course you can't, one man out of thousands across Europe just makes it another fine example of multiculturalism in action doesn't it?
The mayor of Cologne has decided to go head to head with Frau Merkel in the cow-frau of the year race. Rather than sort out the muslim rapists and gropers she is planning guidance for German women in how to dress and behave in ways that do not provoke the sexual deviants who have recently arrived in the Fatherland. Maybe the burka would do the trick? Maybe that's why so many muslim women are happy to cover themselves from head to foot, they know their men have no self-control.
Now the police chief of Vienna, where gangs of muslims also attacked women at New Year, has added his two schillings to the debate by warning women not to go out alone. Tell you what mate, get your police force prepared to actually protect your women from these vile bastards. If you can't do that then don't suddenly find the resources to take action when your population decides to deal with the problem themselves.
Look at muslim countries all over the world and tell me they are the kind of places you would like to live. Generally speaking women have far fewer rights than men. In Saudi Arabia women aren't allowed to drive. Throughout the muslim world execution, often in public, is commonplace, as are public floggings. In many muslim countries women guilty of adultery are stoned to death and thieves have their hands chopped off.
Everywhere muslims pitch up they demand minority rights. Wherever muslims are a majority the rights of minorities are trampled on. How then can lefties defend this and accuse those opposed to the increasing numbers of muslims in Europe racist? It is because their loathing and hatred of the country and people that have given them such freedoms and rights is what drives their destructive political beliefs. Like Islam the creed of political correctness hates the west and all we stand for. Why else would lefties excuse the excesses of Islam when they are supposed to support equality for all?
Finally, if you have to warn women how to dress and behave to avoid being groped or raped by immigrants maybe they are the type of immigrants you really shouldn't have in your country.
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