OK, here's one to scare the kids:

Libertarians support maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence. Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties.
The Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom aim to take the cynicism out of British politics, by taking the politicians out of your everyday life.
Libertarians believe in individual liberty, personal responsibility, and freedom from government—on all issues at all times. We don't say government is too big in one area, but then in another area push for a law to force people to do what we want. We believe in individual liberty, personal responsibility, and freedom from government—on all issues at all times.
Cigarette vending machines could soon be a thing of the past after MPs agreed to ban them.
The House of Lords will now consider whether there should be an outright ban on the machines, after an amendment to the Health Bill by Labour's Ian McCartney was passed by the Commons on Monday night.
MPs also voted to bar the display of cigarettes in shops, despite strong opposition to the Government's proposals from the Tories.
Former Cabinet minister Mr McCartney said the approval of his vending machines ban proposal "was going to change history".
Condemning the devices as an "outrageous loophole in our country's safeguards" to prevent thousands of children suffering illness and premature death, he protested that tobacco was still "the only product in Britain that can be sold legally, which routinely kills and injures its customers".
Mr McCartney's amendment was passed without a vote, and Health Secretary Andy Burnham said the Government would not oppose the measure in the Lords.
Anti-smoking campaigners welcomed the move. Deborah Arnott, chief executive of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), said: "Stopping tobacco sales from vending machines has made a strong Bill even stronger.
"We wouldn't tolerate other age-restricted products such as alcohol or knives being sold in this way. This prohibition means that a lethal and addictive product will no longer be easily accessible to children."
Harpal Kumar, Cancer Research UK's chief executive, added: "We are delighted that MPs have voted to protect young people from tobacco marketing. Putting tobacco out of sight in shops and removing cigarette vending machines will help reduce the number of young people taking up a lethal addiction: Tobacco kills half of all long term users."
The Tories expressed concern over proposals for a ban on the display of cigarettes, particularly during the recession when shops could suffer from a lack of business.
''If you're to believe everything you read in the papers, then you didn't need to change the gender references in the song.''
Leaving EU is suicide
Twelve months ago, Iceland was solidly anti-EU. They are now pleading to be fast-tracked into Europe, having faced bankruptcy and a wrecked economy.
How stupid then that foolish (or treacherous) elements are advocating the suicidal step of British withdrawal. What planet are they on? Norway only survives through vast oil reserves, while Thatcher sold ours to pay for her economic mismanagement.
N G, Bromsgrove, Worcs
"NIGEL FARAGE'S United Kingdom Independence Party is shaping up as the major beneficiary of the European elections to be held next month. There is talk that it could even demote New Labour to a richly deserved fourth place. Yet UKIP's record on expenses-fiddling is at least as bad as the Tories' or Labour's, as I will reveal on this page next week. Don't vote for them".
Dear Nigel,
After much consideration, I feel it is incumbent upon me to write you this letter. I beseech you to reconsider your resignation as Party Leader, for the sake of UKIP, our cause and, more importantly, our country.
In all good conscience, I cannot see the sense of an internal election, costing more than £25,000, less than six months prior to a General Election campaign. I think it essential for the party to keep its eye on the ball and prepare for the election.
I completely concur with your judgment that you have too many responsibilities and you must prioritise. However, I respectively suggest that, in the short term, you have chosen the wrong priorities. We need you to lead the fight here in the UK, to spearhead our campaign as only you can do.
I cannot understand why you can't delegate some of your Brussels responsibilities to one of your 12 MEPs. You could still hold the title of EFD Co-President and give your wonderful plenary speeches but spend only six days a month in the parliament (as promised in your leadership election campaign).
You led us to an historic victory this year and have taken us to the centre ground of British politics, winning Labour strongholds such as Stoke, Newcastle under Lyme, Dudley, Plymouth , Sunderland, Hartlepool and others. Yet UKIP did not win one single Conservative stronghold and, if you step down, the party could be seen once again as an offshoot of the Tory party if the leadership race went as many expect, thereby costing us votes.
I also ask you to honour your pledge to the UKIP members - who elected you for a four-year term - to see out that commitment. The last thing the party needs now is a couple of months navel gazing. We certainly need a debate on the direction of the party in the near future but preferably after a General Election. If we are to have a leadership race, a race that will elect a leader, according to our constitution, not just for the forthcoming General Election but for the next European Election and possibly a second General Election, we must debate some key issues now in order to give a new leader a strong mandate.
This mandate will have to make difficult decisions, such as UKIP’s inclusion in a pan-European party, that you recently proposed we support. I feel that we, as MEPs representing UKIP’s best interests, could not go forward with this unless it is debated and voted on at conference. So I am glad to learn the proposal has been shelved for this year.
To conclude, Nigel, I ask you please to lead UKIP into the General Election and help increase our support across the Country whilst winning Buckingham and taking UKIP to a new level. Only you can do this, Nigel. Please do not desert us now. All UKIP MEPs will, I know, support you in return, to help you become the first UKIP MP.
If you choose to stay as Leader, I would not put my name forward in the leadership ballot and would urge others to do likewise.