Following the death of Michael Jackson I have received a torrent of jokes by text. I'm not of a delicate disposition so thoroughly enjoyed them, and there was a steady flow to keep me tittering over the weekend and even last night.
I have now discovered a fantastic website that has sick jokes on a whole range of topics, many of which may be regarded as taboo or of particularly poor taste in certain company. I commend to you the following website:
Please note: If you are one of those emotionally incontinent Jackson fans who wails on the telly and builds a shrine do not, under any circumstances, follow the link.
If you are prone to legal action because you are easily upset by something, then please do not follow the link.
If you are a right mardy who is easily offended, then want whatever offended you banned, please do not follow the link.
If you are prone to uncontrollable giggling that makes you feel like you are about to have some kind of fit, then this site is probably for you. But do not blame me if it does tip you into some kind of serious tittering side-effect that involves the calling of para-medics.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Weedkiller? You're nicked!
Now, the fella in this article does sound like a complete fruitcake admittedly. But let's suppose you are into lawn tennis, would having tennis balls and weedkiller in your bag make you a danger to the public?
The quote above, from the article, is a little worrying.
Two further counts allege he possessed an explosive device "with intent to endanger life" and that he had explosives, namely weedkiller.
The quote above, from the article, is a little worrying.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Another Tax, The Bastards
Yesterday I got home to find a letter from Lancaster City Council, the bastards in the title.
It was informing me that I had to pay £45 for 'Second Hand Goods Registration', the tax in the title.
The reason the council are trying to rob me of even more cash is that I have a stall at Morecambe Antiques and Collectables. This is an indoor market where you pay rent, leave your goods on your stall and there is one payment desk where people pay for the goods. It's a great concept enabling people to develop a little sideline or even develop it as part of a bigger venture, but the key is you don't need to be there to sell your stuff. My stall has secondhand books on it and in six months plus, has barely broken even. Things are just picking up a little but it has been more a hobby than anything.
Lancaster City Council recently sent a member of their licensing stasi to snoop there, hence the letter demanding money with menace that I have recived. The menace being that if I don't cough up they will prosecute me. It seems that the Licensing Regulatory Committee agreed this form of theft on 25 March 2004.
As a consequence I have decided there is no point continuing my little venture. OK £45 wouldn't break the bank, but when I'm making no money from it anyway it is a point of principle.
Fair enough it's hardly on the scale of Woolworth's closing down. But it is my very own, very small experience of how the bureaucrats screw up business. And the few people who wanted to pay £1 for one of my quality secondhand books will now be deprived of that opportunity. I shall be taking my stock to a local charity shop.
I've been told that in Lancashire anybody who does two or more car boot sales in a week also has to pay this legalised theft.The licensing stasi tour the car boot sales clocking car registrations. And I thought traffic wardens/police were scum.
It was informing me that I had to pay £45 for 'Second Hand Goods Registration', the tax in the title.
The reason the council are trying to rob me of even more cash is that I have a stall at Morecambe Antiques and Collectables. This is an indoor market where you pay rent, leave your goods on your stall and there is one payment desk where people pay for the goods. It's a great concept enabling people to develop a little sideline or even develop it as part of a bigger venture, but the key is you don't need to be there to sell your stuff. My stall has secondhand books on it and in six months plus, has barely broken even. Things are just picking up a little but it has been more a hobby than anything.
Lancaster City Council recently sent a member of their licensing stasi to snoop there, hence the letter demanding money with menace that I have recived. The menace being that if I don't cough up they will prosecute me. It seems that the Licensing Regulatory Committee agreed this form of theft on 25 March 2004.
As a consequence I have decided there is no point continuing my little venture. OK £45 wouldn't break the bank, but when I'm making no money from it anyway it is a point of principle.
Fair enough it's hardly on the scale of Woolworth's closing down. But it is my very own, very small experience of how the bureaucrats screw up business. And the few people who wanted to pay £1 for one of my quality secondhand books will now be deprived of that opportunity. I shall be taking my stock to a local charity shop.
I've been told that in Lancashire anybody who does two or more car boot sales in a week also has to pay this legalised theft.The licensing stasi tour the car boot sales clocking car registrations. And I thought traffic wardens/police were scum.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Banksy Or The Biennale?
Sadly won't be back to Venice this year so will have to visit Bristol to see the Banksy exhibition instead of the Biennale.
Following is a quote from an excellent article on by Tina Beattie :
If that doesn't tempt you to get to Bristol then watch the following trailer:
Following is a quote from an excellent article on by Tina Beattie :
I was walking past a Marks & Spencer store towards Edgware Road tube station in central London recently when a security-guard rushed out of the shop and ran past me. As I drew nearer, I saw that he was going to help his colleague who had apprehended a shoplifter. It was an old tramp who had, it seems, stolen a quarter-litre of milk. I joined a small group of onlookers as the guards wrestled the man to the ground, pulling off his shirt in the process, while the rest of us urged them to leave him alone.The guards ignored us, manhandling the man for several minutes and then finally letting him go, leaving him lying half-naked on the ground. One of the onlookers paid for the milk, and the guards went back into the shop while the dazed old man struggled to sit up, still clutching his meagre prize.
I went into the shop and complained to a manager. He was well-trained in the art of placating customers, giving me a smooth-tongued response. Yes, the guards were perhaps a little over-enthusiastic, but the man was a persistent offender who was well-known to them, and they have a duty to stop shoplifters. I protested and eventually left, but the incident has continued to haunt me.
A Bristol homecoming
Banksy understands that haunting perhaps better than any other contemporary British artist. His new exhibition at Bristol Museum and Art Gallery - Banksy Versus Bristol Museum - is defiant, witty and courageous. It is a triumph of dissenting liberality over the increasingly authoritarian regimes which seek to control our diminishing spaces of democracy and freedom.
If that doesn't tempt you to get to Bristol then watch the following trailer:
Friday Funday
Don't get too maudling, try this, from the genius that is Morrissey. Death of a Disco Dancer:
Then imagine Julia Goldswothy v Caroline Flint:
Then imagine Julia Goldswothy v Caroline Flint:
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Camp Commandant

Yes, Gaddafi, that uniform could be straight from Carry on Dictating or'Allo 'Allo.
It seems he has pitched his Bedouin tent in a park in Rome on a state visit and demonstrators have plastered the surrounding area with 'No Camping' posters. But you know, I can't help thinking that Gaddafi, despite the dodgy things he's done, is just taking the piss.
He must be laughing his nuts off at the rest of the world and it's great that he is seen here shaking hands with Berlusconi, because I think he is just taking the piss too.
God preserve us from serious politicians like Blair, he gave us Iran and Afghanistan.
MPs In Denial-Or Just Lying!
Our MPs seem unable to accept the truth or, perhaps more accurately the bloody obvious. Even during the campaign to elect a new speaker Margaret Beckett was making excuses for MPs involved in the expenses scandal. In typical socialist mode she was trying to make the MPs out to be the victims, remember her performance on Question Time?
Now Jon Cruddas is claiming that it is our first past the post voting system that is allowing extremists like the BNP to be elected. In an interview with the Fabian Society he said:
Actually Jon, the BNP were elected under a system of proportional representation, largely because people are sick of the mess the three old parties have made of this country. I know somebody who voted BNP because he thinks the country is overcrowded but is sick of traditional politicians branding anybody who questions immigration 'racist'. He was also sick of traditional politicians telling him not to vote BNP rather than telling him what they have to offer.
So our intellectul pygmies and moral bankrupts in Westminster blame the system for the expenses scandal and now for the BNP getting two MEPs elected. Guess what pygmies? I blame you. It's time the three old parties, and most of our overweening state, were flushed down the toilet and we started all over again.
Now Jon Cruddas is claiming that it is our first past the post voting system that is allowing extremists like the BNP to be elected. In an interview with the Fabian Society he said:
"I always used to think that first past the post choked off the space for extremism, I now think it creates it."
Actually Jon, the BNP were elected under a system of proportional representation, largely because people are sick of the mess the three old parties have made of this country. I know somebody who voted BNP because he thinks the country is overcrowded but is sick of traditional politicians branding anybody who questions immigration 'racist'. He was also sick of traditional politicians telling him not to vote BNP rather than telling him what they have to offer.
So our intellectul pygmies and moral bankrupts in Westminster blame the system for the expenses scandal and now for the BNP getting two MEPs elected. Guess what pygmies? I blame you. It's time the three old parties, and most of our overweening state, were flushed down the toilet and we started all over again.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Bugger The Burqa?

I have had a couple of meetings this week at a hotel that gives away the Independent newspaper, to be honest I'd never buy it but when it's free, well why not?
I did find an interesting article in it today by Sophie Morris, all about women wearing the burqa. Following is a quote from the article:
On Monday, President Sarkozy took issue with the proliferation of women wearing the burqa in France, weighing into the debate on whether, as a secular country, the French Republic might outlaw the veiling of one's body from head to toe in public. "The burqa is not a religious sign," he said.
"It is a sign of subservience, a sign of debasement... in our country we cannot accept that women be prisoners behind a screen, cut off from all social life, deprived of all identity."
I instinctively dislike the burqa but believe it to be a matter of individual choice, I'd prefer women not to wear it but ultimately they should decide. I've no doubt we all do things others dislike but individual freedom needs preserving rather than crushing. I do find it strange, however, in these days of security obsession for banks and other institutions to allow masked women, assuming they are all women, to wander in and out at will, but that's another issue.
We all know it's not a religious necessity but Sarkozy is wrong, it is a 'religious sign' just as the crucifix many of us wear is a 'religious sign' but not a necessity imposed by our faith. The burqa is just a bit more obvious than a crucifix and, inevitably, provokes stronger reactions. But then the French have always had an unhealthy acceptance of the dominant and authoritarian nature of their state.
What I do find highly amusing, and thank the burka wearers for it, is to see feminists performing ideolgical contortions trying to balance feminism with multiculturalism in relation to the burka. Now that is fun.
Hypocrites, Dickheads And Frauds
Last night we were discussing politicos, largely because after being involved in politics for 30 years, I still get thoroughly disillusioned and disappointed with politicians, and not just MPs.
Politics seems to attract a higher proportion of dickheads and frauds than any other activity. What I can't decide is whether politics attracts unsavoury types or whether politics just brings out the unsavoury, unattractive element that is there in so many people but is usually dormant. Having said that I would say that the majority of people in politics, the foot soldiers or volunteers, are highly principled but are let down by the professional wings of their parties.
There is certainly a large amount of ego massaging in politics and, being a sociable activity, lots of opportunity to drink to excess and fall for the associated tempatations, especially in the field of sex. It's strange the number of politicos who stray from their spouses, proving them to be untrustworthy to their nearest and dearest, but expect the electorate, meaning you and I, to put our trust in them.
So the following is dedicated to the dickeads and frauds in politics. You know who you are:
Politics seems to attract a higher proportion of dickheads and frauds than any other activity. What I can't decide is whether politics attracts unsavoury types or whether politics just brings out the unsavoury, unattractive element that is there in so many people but is usually dormant. Having said that I would say that the majority of people in politics, the foot soldiers or volunteers, are highly principled but are let down by the professional wings of their parties.
There is certainly a large amount of ego massaging in politics and, being a sociable activity, lots of opportunity to drink to excess and fall for the associated tempatations, especially in the field of sex. It's strange the number of politicos who stray from their spouses, proving them to be untrustworthy to their nearest and dearest, but expect the electorate, meaning you and I, to put our trust in them.
So the following is dedicated to the dickeads and frauds in politics. You know who you are:
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Police State-Update
The police state is tightening its grip with the police fighting to hold ever more data for ever longer on our records. From Teletext:
This is why somebody who received an unconditional discharge in 1982, under Section 10 of the Public Order Act for example, still has to declare it under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act because a CRB check might show it up.
What's even more disturbing is that many public order offences disappear from your record after 10 years under NACPO guidelines. Yes the police themselves decide that. But the example above was on a political demonstration, so somewere the decision was made to keep that on the record even 27 years later, despite NACPO guidelines.
Have we really reached the stage where security depends upon keeping minor blemishes on peoples' records for decades? If so I suggest that the state and the police are both damaged beyond repair and need abolishing.
PS: Section 10 of the Public Order Act is a catch all. It means roughly: "Threatening or abusive language or behaviour that could lead to a breach of the peace".
Old criminal records of minor offences aid in the fight against crime and must not be deleted, Greater Manchester Police has told the Court of Appeal.
The force, and four others, is fighting a ruling that holding them does not comply with the Data Protection Act.
Their lawyer David Jones said records are vital for police to evaluate risks and protect the public from crime.
This is why somebody who received an unconditional discharge in 1982, under Section 10 of the Public Order Act for example, still has to declare it under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act because a CRB check might show it up.
What's even more disturbing is that many public order offences disappear from your record after 10 years under NACPO guidelines. Yes the police themselves decide that. But the example above was on a political demonstration, so somewere the decision was made to keep that on the record even 27 years later, despite NACPO guidelines.
Have we really reached the stage where security depends upon keeping minor blemishes on peoples' records for decades? If so I suggest that the state and the police are both damaged beyond repair and need abolishing.
PS: Section 10 of the Public Order Act is a catch all. It means roughly: "Threatening or abusive language or behaviour that could lead to a breach of the peace".
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Mary Seacole
Another gold nugget in the Times Online from Rod Liddle:
Of course the Sousers have already jumped on that particular bandwagon with that strange kind of inverted racism that the politically correct find thoroughly acceptable:
Haven’t you heard enough about that gallant nurse from the Crimean war, Mary Seacole? Granted she deserves our respect. But now they are building a big statue of the lady in London. Her place in the school curriculum outweighs the amount of time devoted to Disraeli, Bismarck, Abraham Lincoln, Karl Marx, Jules Michelet, Tennyson, Charles Dickens, Gladstone, Clive of India, Queen Victoria andFlorence Nightingale combined.
Your children, if they are educated at a state school, will be able to tell you everything about Ms Seacole, nothing about the rest. I wonder if there was some other mysterious quality she possessed which makes her so compelling? And if I’m right, if it isn’t all a little patronising.
Of course the Sousers have already jumped on that particular bandwagon with that strange kind of inverted racism that the politically correct find thoroughly acceptable:
Mary Seacole House is a mental health drop in day centre primarily for the black and minority ethnic communities of Liverpool 8, although open to all, offering support and advice in emotional and practical matters.
Meanwhile, What About Zimbabwe?
While the world, or at least the West, has become focussed on Iran let's not forget Zimbabwe. Remember that place, over there in Africa?
Just like today with Iran, a few months ago all the bleeding heart liberals were attacking the Zimbabwean government and quite rightly so. The great hero being hyped up by all and sundry was Morgan Tsvangirai, who was going to save Zimbabwe from the evil Mugabe and his cronies.
Well Tsvangirai is now Prime Minister and thinks that all Zimbabwean exiles should return home and work with guess who to build stability and prosperity in that country? Yes, that nice Mr Mugabe.
Unlike the people in this country, who fell for McGuinness, Adams and company joining the Northern Irish government, or people who voted UKIP only to see their MEPs being bought off in Brussels but still voted for them on June 4th, this is how the Zimbabwean exiles in the UK responded to Tsvangirai 'going native':
Now that's the way to do it. The problem with Iran is that while we are full of admiration for the people taking to the streets, from a western perspective would the opposition politicians in Iran be any better in government than what is there now?
Full BBC coverage of Tsvangirai's speech.
Just like today with Iran, a few months ago all the bleeding heart liberals were attacking the Zimbabwean government and quite rightly so. The great hero being hyped up by all and sundry was Morgan Tsvangirai, who was going to save Zimbabwe from the evil Mugabe and his cronies.
Well Tsvangirai is now Prime Minister and thinks that all Zimbabwean exiles should return home and work with guess who to build stability and prosperity in that country? Yes, that nice Mr Mugabe.
Unlike the people in this country, who fell for McGuinness, Adams and company joining the Northern Irish government, or people who voted UKIP only to see their MEPs being bought off in Brussels but still voted for them on June 4th, this is how the Zimbabwean exiles in the UK responded to Tsvangirai 'going native':
Now that's the way to do it. The problem with Iran is that while we are full of admiration for the people taking to the streets, from a western perspective would the opposition politicians in Iran be any better in government than what is there now?
Full BBC coverage of Tsvangirai's speech.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Iranian Blogs
No idea what the content is like but I've come across a directory of Iranian blogs. It lists those written in Iran and those written by Iranians abroad.
Directory of Iranian Blogs.
Directory of Iranian Blogs.
MPs' Expenses
The Telegraph has full in-depth, uncensored coverage of all the expenses including ministers' expenses here.
It seems that the Telegraph today also has a supplement dedicated to telling us how the little piggies ripped off our taxes.
It seems that the Telegraph today also has a supplement dedicated to telling us how the little piggies ripped off our taxes.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Salford Labour Party
Congratulations to Salford Constituency Labour Party. Last night they confirmed that Hazel 'The Runt' Blears will continue as their MP and candidate at the next general election and, unless the people of Salford are as stupid as members of the CLP, which I doubt, this means that Labour will lose the seat of Salford and Eccles at the next election.
Perhaps the members of Salford Labour Party who voted for The Runt are all plants from another party, who knows? My only worry is that Mr Smug himself, Martin Bell, might hit Salford on his white charger. Well, in his white suit.
Perhaps the members of Salford Labour Party who voted for The Runt are all plants from another party, who knows? My only worry is that Mr Smug himself, Martin Bell, might hit Salford on his white charger. Well, in his white suit.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hazel Blears MP
The Runt faces a motion of no confidence tonight at a meeting of her Constituency Labour Party.
But, according to the Manchester Evening News , she looks likely to survive.
Are Labour members in Salford really so bloody stupid? Quite probably actually, we'll find out later tonight.
But, according to the Manchester Evening News , she looks likely to survive.
Are Labour members in Salford really so bloody stupid? Quite probably actually, we'll find out later tonight.
My Kind Of Cat
Dedicated to Sasha and Misha, long may you reign.
I'm in a writing group and we went out socially for the first time last night rather than to desperately seek support from each other, and had a great night.
One of our number was reading her poetry for the first time, poetry which she has also just had published for the first time. I've always enjoyed Ruth's poetry but it was even better last night, she really brought it to life up there in the spotlight.
There is a link to her work over on the left but you really should visit Write Around the Wilderness.
We all got her to sign cards for us too, coz she's gonna be famous!
It was part of LitFest.
One of our number was reading her poetry for the first time, poetry which she has also just had published for the first time. I've always enjoyed Ruth's poetry but it was even better last night, she really brought it to life up there in the spotlight.
There is a link to her work over on the left but you really should visit Write Around the Wilderness.
We all got her to sign cards for us too, coz she's gonna be famous!
It was part of LitFest.
Politicians Are Shit!
Notice how they all claim to be standing down despite having done nowt wrong?
So don't step down you fucking weirdo!!
And if you do you're either a dick, or a stinking corrupt bitch.
She represents Burnley, where the BNP are strong. Wonder why?
Here is an overview of her fiddles, or expenses claims.
"Ms Ussher denied she did anything wrong and said she was stepping aside to prevent the government embarrassment".
So don't step down you fucking weirdo!!
And if you do you're either a dick, or a stinking corrupt bitch.
She represents Burnley, where the BNP are strong. Wonder why?
Here is an overview of her fiddles, or expenses claims.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Reformed Character.....
.....or hypocritical twat?
Martin McGuinness, of Sinn Fein/IRA, on those nasty people who have destroyed centuries of peaceful 'community' cohabitation in Northern Ireland by attacking Romanians.
Terrorism is obviously one thing, racism another.
"We need a collective effort to face down these criminals in society who are quite clearly intent on preying on vulnerable women and children.
We are going to do everything in our power to ensure these criminals, these racist criminals, don't have their way".
Martin McGuinness, of Sinn Fein/IRA, on those nasty people who have destroyed centuries of peaceful 'community' cohabitation in Northern Ireland by attacking Romanians.
Terrorism is obviously one thing, racism another.
Disestablishing The Church
One of the many issues that led to my final disillusionment with UKIP, in essence the final acceptance that it wasn't a libertarian party, was when I was forced to withdraw an invitation to Sean Gabb to speak at a conference in the North West early last year. The reason was that he had written an article of which the leadership disapproved, effectively it was 'too libertarian'. I often turn to Sean Gabb to assist me in treading through the philosophical minefield that is politics and I have just metaphorically called on his assistance yet again.
Yesterday I was sent a link, which I posted, about somebody being thrown out of Blackburn Cathedral for 'looking like a BNP member'. Last night I couldn't help wondering what a BNP member actually looks like in the eyes of the Anglican Church. I know that some BNP members wear dog collars and vestments on a Sunday, that came out when their membership list was leaked some time ago. I know that some have skinhead haircuts, but so do lots of men these days. I also know that Nick Griffin is neither a skinhead nor what you might visualise as the epitomy of the master-race, proving, yet again, how ridiculous the Anglican Church now appears to so many of us.
So what of the established church? Like the monarchy, which has served its purpose, I feel that it is outdated and perhaps the church should be disestablished and the United Kingdom become the United Republic. Do either actually add anything positive to our national life?
I have always felt, as a Roman Catholic, that it is not my place to attack the Church of England, or more accurately the established church. This is a protestant country and I live by the rules, as all who live here but are from another religion/culture should. But surely there comes a time when enough is enough.
With regards to the monarchy, then I think their obvious inactivity while our freedoms and liberties, indeed our national independence are eroded, means that the time has come to debate whether they are needed any more. Even 'constitutional monarchs' should stick their heads above the parapet eventually. The Saxe-Coburg-Gothas seem happier looking for mansions to buy in Florida.
So, with my mind running along these lines I came across the following 2008 article by Sean Gabb in The Times:
Yesterday I was sent a link, which I posted, about somebody being thrown out of Blackburn Cathedral for 'looking like a BNP member'. Last night I couldn't help wondering what a BNP member actually looks like in the eyes of the Anglican Church. I know that some BNP members wear dog collars and vestments on a Sunday, that came out when their membership list was leaked some time ago. I know that some have skinhead haircuts, but so do lots of men these days. I also know that Nick Griffin is neither a skinhead nor what you might visualise as the epitomy of the master-race, proving, yet again, how ridiculous the Anglican Church now appears to so many of us.
So what of the established church? Like the monarchy, which has served its purpose, I feel that it is outdated and perhaps the church should be disestablished and the United Kingdom become the United Republic. Do either actually add anything positive to our national life?
I have always felt, as a Roman Catholic, that it is not my place to attack the Church of England, or more accurately the established church. This is a protestant country and I live by the rules, as all who live here but are from another religion/culture should. But surely there comes a time when enough is enough.
With regards to the monarchy, then I think their obvious inactivity while our freedoms and liberties, indeed our national independence are eroded, means that the time has come to debate whether they are needed any more. Even 'constitutional monarchs' should stick their heads above the parapet eventually. The Saxe-Coburg-Gothas seem happier looking for mansions to buy in Florida.
So, with my mind running along these lines I came across the following 2008 article by Sean Gabb in The Times:
"In the British Constitution, Church and State are joined. The Queen is head of both. There are 26 Anglican bishops in Parliament.
The weak argument for disestablishment is that only a minority of people in Britain are Anglicans. Why should Catholics or Jews or Muslims or atheists defer officially to an institution that does not represent their beliefs?
This is not in itself a good argument. Establishment is part of the Constitution. If I move to Pakistan or Ireland, I would have to put up with the existing establishments there. Why should it be different with us? If it should be different, it is because the Church of England has ceased to be either intellectually or theologically respectable.
Anglicanism used to mean Cranmer and Hooker and Tillotson and Warburton and Paley. Malthus and Sydney Smith were Anglican priests. These were men who combined distinction in theological and secular learning with a broadly tolerant outlook.
Nowadays, priests and bishops seem to be less interested in preaching the Gospel than in preaching an embarrassingly naïve socialism.
It may be arguable that the true message of Christ is socialist. It may also be argued that the laws of supply and demand are as much part of the Divine Order as the laws of motion – and that Christians cannot validly pronounce on either without some study of the secular sciences that have uncovered them. If this is true, it is not enough for an Anglican priest to read The Guardian, announce that “God is love” and then make other than embarrassing pronouncements on interest rates and distribution of property.
Now, the problem here is not that so many Anglican spokesmen appear to be of the Left, but that they seem wholly unaware of any other theological perspective on economics and politics.
With this, I regret, goes their almost casual rejection of the Authorised Version of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer in favour of new versions that are devoid of literary merit.
The Church should be disestablished because it has, in a sense, disestablished itself. It has made itself an object of derision where not of contempt. It should not be allowed to continue representing itself as England at prayer.
The practical argument against disestablishment is that the monarchy would be destabilised. Again, the monarchy has destabilised itself. The settlement by the Glorious Revolution of 1688 was that we would regard the monarch as the Lord’s anointed. The monarch would, in turn, safeguard our liberties. Without mentioning any other dereliction, Her Majesty this year allowed ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, despite its implications for how we govern ourselves, and despite the promise by the Government in 2005 that what became the treaty would not be ratified without a referendum.
Since the monarchy is at best on probation, therefore, and since the Church of England cannot be defended as it has become, the arguments for disestablishment strike me, however sadly, as too strong to be brushed aside.”
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Church And Police State
'Anonymous' left a comment on my earlier post (Police State) about a man being thrown out of Blackburn Cathedral for 'looking like a BNP member'.
It is so appalling, and I can't get the links to work in 'Comments', that I have put a link below to the press article:
Link to Lancashire Evening Telegraph article.
Thank you for that 'Anonymous'.
It is so appalling, and I can't get the links to work in 'Comments', that I have put a link below to the press article:
Link to Lancashire Evening Telegraph article.
Thank you for that 'Anonymous'.
Police State
We don't know what led to this situation but if four policemen, armed with Tasers, have to use this level of violence and aggression against one man then they should be sacked for incompetence and being big soft tubs of lard.
Alternatively, perhaps too many of them just enjoy it.
Scrap ID Cards
One of the good things about watching an authoritarian government slowly committing itself to the dustbin of history, is to see its supporters turning against each other. The backstabbing about expenses, in some cases being used to settle old scores, and now attacks on policies widely detested but previosly kept quiet about for fear of 'rocking the boat' are the new bloodsports.
ID cards, hated by those who enjoy individual freedom and who detest statism, are under attack, and thank God for that. Alan Johnson is said to oppose the current scheme, maybe he prefers another one. Either way he will be closely watching the response to a speech today by Lord Steyn. The following is from
I fear that the ID project will continue, in some form or other, whether we have a Labour, Tory or, God forbid, Lib-Dem government. There seems little for libertarians in the UK in any of the smaller parties, most of whom, even if opposed to ID cards, are authoritarian in many other respects.
Which is why I would urge them to look at the Libertarian Party. Not forgetting to support No2ID.
ID cards, hated by those who enjoy individual freedom and who detest statism, are under attack, and thank God for that. Alan Johnson is said to oppose the current scheme, maybe he prefers another one. Either way he will be closely watching the response to a speech today by Lord Steyn. The following is from
Former law lord Lord Steyn will call for the government to scrap its proposed ID cards scheme today, in a sign of growing discontent among the judiciary over the controversial plans.
As he prepared to deliver his Farrar's Building memorial lecture he told journalists: "'My untutored view is that the debate on ID Cards is on its merits progressively turning against the government.
"In one of his English letters Voltaire said that the civil wars of Rome ended in slavery, and those of the English in liberty. He wrote that the English are jealous of their liberty. So they are.
"The commitment, by and large, of the British people to European constitutional principles and ideals does not require us to adopt an ID card system. In my view a national identity card system is not necessary in our country.
"No further money should be spent on it," he continued. "The idea should be abandoned."
Farrar's Building is one of England and Wales' leading civil and criminal law sets.
The new home secretary Alan Johnson is understood to be lukewarm about the scheme and is currently implementing a review of the plans, starting from 'first principles'.
I fear that the ID project will continue, in some form or other, whether we have a Labour, Tory or, God forbid, Lib-Dem government. There seems little for libertarians in the UK in any of the smaller parties, most of whom, even if opposed to ID cards, are authoritarian in many other respects.
Which is why I would urge them to look at the Libertarian Party. Not forgetting to support No2ID.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Iraq Enquiry
The Iraq Enquiry will not be a public enquiry, supposedly for reasons of national security, and will take at least a year. Which means the outcome will not be known until after the next general election.
But, should it be over before then, the government has protected itself by stating that the enquiry will identify "lessons learned" and not "apportion blame". So why bother?
Another Labour government con-trick.
But, should it be over before then, the government has protected itself by stating that the enquiry will identify "lessons learned" and not "apportion blame". So why bother?
Another Labour government con-trick.
Meat Free Monday

Paul McCartney and his coven of daughters are launching 'Meat Free Monday'. The idea is that we all give up meat on a Monday thereby saving the planet. They seem to think that all the farm animals will understand and stop farting for the day as a result, thus reducing methane emissions.
All it means now is that I will make sure I have a bacon and sausage butty for breakfast, a ham sandwich for lunch and a nice big, juicy steak with a bottle of red in the evening, every Monday.
It'll be a bit like making sure I have a smoke on 'National No Smoking Day'.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Making The BNP Look Reasonable
The worrying thing at the moment is the kind of democracy we will have, if any, in say 10 or 15 years time. Let's face it, New Labour have made a hellishly effective start at dismantling it already.
The European Union seems to think that ever falling turnouts at European elections shows that the people of Europe are quite content with 'the project'. Anti-EU parties have been castrated by being sucked into the 'parliament' as if anything can be attained from within. As Marshal Petain found in France, that doesn't work.
The anti-democratic nature of the EU has also succeeded in castrating our own parliament, with at least 70% of laws coming from Brussels. That has left our MPs nothing to do but 'flip' houses, clean out their moats and hunt down the most expensive TV home cinema they can find to bung on their expenses. Our system has never been so despised or our politicians more loathed than they are at present.
Then up pop the BNP. The reason they do so well seems to be because they don't need a great deal of money for campaigning, their opponents, from the nutty 'Unite Against Fascism' to holier than thou Dave Cameron, do their job perfectly well for them. I wonder how many people would have voted BNP on June 4th if they hadn't read so much hysterical nonsense about them in the mainstream media, from the mouths of mainstream politicians?
To top it all Harriet Harperson is now talking about introducing a law making it illegal for the BNP to only accept membership applications from white people. I wonder if that will also apply to the Association of Black Police Officers? If they do make it illegal I can't imagine thousands of black people rushing to join. Pesonally, as well as not agreeing with their national socialist policies, I would never want to join a party that denies membership to black people any more than I would want to join the Orange Order.
To keep things in perspective the BNP gained fewer votes in these Euro elections than they did in 2004. Let's defeat them, and Labour and the other misfits, by being a bit more grown up. When I've heard Griffin interviewed he pretty soon cracks under intensive questioning and makes a fool of himself. That's the way to beat them, by further chipping away at freedom and democracy the establishment play into the hands of people like Nick Griffin.
Following is an excellent article from The Times Online
The European Union seems to think that ever falling turnouts at European elections shows that the people of Europe are quite content with 'the project'. Anti-EU parties have been castrated by being sucked into the 'parliament' as if anything can be attained from within. As Marshal Petain found in France, that doesn't work.
The anti-democratic nature of the EU has also succeeded in castrating our own parliament, with at least 70% of laws coming from Brussels. That has left our MPs nothing to do but 'flip' houses, clean out their moats and hunt down the most expensive TV home cinema they can find to bung on their expenses. Our system has never been so despised or our politicians more loathed than they are at present.
Then up pop the BNP. The reason they do so well seems to be because they don't need a great deal of money for campaigning, their opponents, from the nutty 'Unite Against Fascism' to holier than thou Dave Cameron, do their job perfectly well for them. I wonder how many people would have voted BNP on June 4th if they hadn't read so much hysterical nonsense about them in the mainstream media, from the mouths of mainstream politicians?
To top it all Harriet Harperson is now talking about introducing a law making it illegal for the BNP to only accept membership applications from white people. I wonder if that will also apply to the Association of Black Police Officers? If they do make it illegal I can't imagine thousands of black people rushing to join. Pesonally, as well as not agreeing with their national socialist policies, I would never want to join a party that denies membership to black people any more than I would want to join the Orange Order.
To keep things in perspective the BNP gained fewer votes in these Euro elections than they did in 2004. Let's defeat them, and Labour and the other misfits, by being a bit more grown up. When I've heard Griffin interviewed he pretty soon cracks under intensive questioning and makes a fool of himself. That's the way to beat them, by further chipping away at freedom and democracy the establishment play into the hands of people like Nick Griffin.
Following is an excellent article from The Times Online
When Nick Griffin was pelted with eggs outside Parliament this week, the protest divided public opinion over whether it was a legitimate expression of anger or a foolhardy stunt that handed unwarranted publicity to the British National Party.
It has also widened a rift in the anti-fascist movement over how to combat the rise of the far-right party.
United Against Fascism (UAF) is planning a series of physical demonstrations over the coming months based on Tuesday’s confrontation, which forced Mr Griffin, the BNP leader and newly elected MEP, to abandon his victory press conference. The approach has frustrated seasoned anti-BNP campaigners, who believe that the stunt allowed Mr Griffin to portray himself as a martyr.
There were violent tussles between the protesters and supporters of Mr Griffin and Andrew Brons, who won the BNP’s second European seat in Yorkshire and the Humber region, and police are investigating two allegations of common assault.
BNP leader pelted with eggs at Parliament
UAF, which was set up five years ago as an umbrella organisation for anti-racism groups and trade unions, says that it will picket Mr Griffin wherever he goes. It accepts that there is potential for further violence but insists that the action is necessary to combat the BNP.
Searchlight, a separate organisation that has campaigned against the BNP and its predecessors since the 1960s, is cautious about such protests and says that a more “constructive” approach is needed. Searchlight initially joined UAF when it was created but broke away following policy differences. This week it launched a widespread digital media initiative called Not In My Name. The organisation is being advised by Blue State Digital, the internet strategy firm responsible for President Obama’s winning US campaign, and plans a variety of online initiatives to raise awareness and funds.
This weekend an appeal video featuring various celebrities will be posted online to urge the public to donate. More than 84,500 people have already signed up to its database, making it bigger than those of any of the mainstream political parties.
The Royal British Legion yesterday accused Mr Griffin of trying to politicise “one of the nation’s most beloved symbols” after he repeatedly wore a red poppy during the European election campaign. The charity is demanding that Mr Griffin stop wearing the poppy, after private appeals to his “sense of honour” were ignored.
In an open letter to The Guardian, the charity wrote: “True valour deserves respect regardless of a person’s ethnic origin . . . Stop it, Mr Griffin.”
Campaigners are also organising a petition to take to the European Parliament next month, saying that while the BNP has won seats, it does not represent Britain. The number of signatures had exceeded 56,000 by Wednesday, only two days after it was begun.
Campaigners aim to surpass 132,094, signatures — the number of votes that Mr Griffin attracted in the North West region.
Searchlight is hoping to raise enough money to wage its biggest campaign against the BNP, from advertisements on buses to leaflets aimed at areas where voters are BNP-friendly.
Nick Lowles, the campaign coordinator, said it was a positive way to express discontent. “We need to harness people’s anger in a constructive way, rather than throwing eggs at the BNP,” he said.
However, Anindya Bhattacharyya, a spokesman for UAF, claimed that the strategy was not adequate to defeat the BNP. “If fascists simply organised on the internet then it would be fine. But they foment their race hatred on to the streets. That’s where we have to stand up to them,” he said.
UAF is planning an emergency national conference in Manchester on July 18 and aims to picket events such as the BNP’s annual rally in August.
Mr Bhattacharyya defended the tactics displayed on Tuesday. He said: “I think the far greater danger is that he [Mr Griffin] becomes legitimised.”
Harrogate College is under pressure to justify its decision to employ Mr Brons as a politics lecturer. Mr Brons, 61, a former chairman of the National Front, has worked at the college since 1970. He confirmed to The Times that there was a “tentative agreement” for him to return in September but said that now he was an MEP he would not take up the offer. In 1984 the then principal of the college was a character witness in court for Mr Brons. He was convicted of behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace after he was arrested while selling National Front newspapers.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Snivelling Little Runt For Salford
Hazel Blears is now backtracking and grovelling to try and save her piggy little bacon:
Here is the full article from the MEN Online.
I wonder if it's got anything to do with the Labour Party in Salford organising a motion of no confidence in her?
AN APOLOGETIC Hazel Blears has revealed three major regrets - including her 'cruel' YouTube joke against Gordon Brown.
The Salford MP wished she had not worn a brooch saying 'rocking the boat' the day after her shock decision to quit the Cabinet looked set to end the prime minister's reign.
And she bitterly regretted the timing of her resignation, on the eve of European elections, that saw Labour's vote dip under 16 per cent for the first time in nearly 100 years.
Here is the full article from the MEN Online.
I wonder if it's got anything to do with the Labour Party in Salford organising a motion of no confidence in her?
Sammy McIlroy

The woman on the left, Deborah Stallard, got off doing community service by claiming she could only wear 4" stilletos.
I reckon it's former Manchester United star, and now manager of Morecambe FC, Sammy McIlroy in drag.
Daniel Kawczynski MP-Letter to the President of Poland
Below is a letter taken from ConservativeHome:
Let's face it, withdrawal from the European Union can only come from the British Parliament, MEPs from all parties are only in it for the money. But we need more people like Daniel Kawczynski in Westminster, which is why I'll be standing in the next general election.
Dear President Kaczyński,
I write to you to acknowledge Britain’s debt of gratitude to the Polish people and to ask you for assistance.
The history of Polish heroism and support for the British people is long and glorious. During our darkest hours in World War Two, when the Battle of Britain hung in the balance, the contribution of Polish airmen helped tip the balance in the Allies’ favour. Eight Polish fighter squadrons formed within the RAF shot down 629 Axis aircraft by May 1945, with the Polish 303 Fighter Squadron claiming more kills than any other squadron during the war.
Winston Churchill, as ever, expressed this debt most compellingly, when he said of the Battle of Britain that, “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”
As we commemorate the Normandy landings on their 65th anniversary, we in Britain should remember that Poles fought there with us, as your countrymen did in so many theatres of operation. Often forgotten are the less publicised contributions, of Polish spies who are estimated to have contributed as much as 45 per cent of all intelligence reports from continental Europe, and Polish cryptographers, who, in helping to break the Enigma code, assisted in one of the key turning points in the war.
And in recent years Polish immigrants to Britain have contributed far more to the British economy and society than they could ever take out.
Once again, Mr President, we must turn to you in an hour of need. In 2005, all three main political parties promised the British people that they would be given a referendum on the EU Constitution. The Conservatives are the only major party to have kept this promise. Despite Tony Blair’s protestations that “what you can’t do is have a situation where you get a rejection of the Treaty and then you just bring it back with a few amendments and say we will have another go”, Gordon Brown has done just that.
The Irish people’s rejection of the EU Treaty in their referendum last year should have been the end of the Lisbon Treaty. The Republic of Ireland was the only country in Europe which had the opportunity to voice its democratic opinion, and the Irish people made it clear that they did not want a Treaty that transfers so many powers to Brussels.
At the time, the British Government faced a very clear choice. They could have done the difficult and brave thing and declared the Treaty dead, or they could have done the easy thing and joined others in starting the process of bullying the Irish people into a second referendum. Unfortunately, by pushing the Treaty through Parliament, they made the latter choice.
All 27 Member States must ratify the Lisbon Treaty for it to be enacted, however, so as long as you have not signed the Lisbon Treaty it cannot come into force. If this is the case at the time of the next general election, which is now at most a year away, and if a Conservative Government is elected, Conservatives will suspend Britain’s ratification of the Treaty and hold a referendum, recommending rejection of the Treaty. If the British people reject the Treaty, we will withdraw Britain’s ratification.
Although this is a very different fight for democracy, the EU needs to acknowledge that political institutions cannot be built in a democracy without popular consent. That democratic consent to the Lisbon Treaty has neither been sought from nor given by the British people. Poland can once again be a friend to the British people. Mr President, we need your help!
Daniel Kawczynski MP
Let's face it, withdrawal from the European Union can only come from the British Parliament, MEPs from all parties are only in it for the money. But we need more people like Daniel Kawczynski in Westminster, which is why I'll be standing in the next general election.
Friday Funday
This one's for our two BNP MEPs:
Then the people of Salford say to Hazel Blears:
Then the people of Salford say to Hazel Blears:
Thursday, June 11, 2009
BNP? Get A Grip!
The liberal misfits, and political incontinents, are whining and self-flagellating. Two BNP MEPs have been elected. So what?
We all know that MEPs have no influence or power, and the BNP got less votes this June than they did in June 2004, when they got no MEPs.
But more worrying, the liberal establishiment are now looking at PR systems that will ensure the BNP don't get elected in future.
A sense of proportion is one thing, fascism is another.
Are we nearer to, or further from, a fascist state?
We all know that MEPs have no influence or power, and the BNP got less votes this June than they did in June 2004, when they got no MEPs.
But more worrying, the liberal establishiment are now looking at PR systems that will ensure the BNP don't get elected in future.
A sense of proportion is one thing, fascism is another.
Are we nearer to, or further from, a fascist state?
Funny Things
Two funny little incidents I've encountered this week.
Driving up the M6 I passed a car, hesitantly heading North, that had a notice in the back window that read:
I couldn't help thinking how fast the two BNP MEPs had got to work.
The second was hearing an Australian journalist commenting on the day of national mourning in Australia, indeed the world, at Gordon Ramsay's Jonafan Woss moment when he referred to a media darling called Tracey Grimshaw as a 'pig'. Can't help thinking 'Tracey Grimshaw' sounds like a barmaid in Coronation Street. But anyway, aforementioned journalist, being very earnest said:
Picked the wrong farm animal to liken her to there Gordon.
Driving up the M6 I passed a car, hesitantly heading North, that had a notice in the back window that read:
"I'm Sorry, I'm From Austria."
I couldn't help thinking how fast the two BNP MEPs had got to work.
The second was hearing an Australian journalist commenting on the day of national mourning in Australia, indeed the world, at Gordon Ramsay's Jonafan Woss moment when he referred to a media darling called Tracey Grimshaw as a 'pig'. Can't help thinking 'Tracey Grimshaw' sounds like a barmaid in Coronation Street. But anyway, aforementioned journalist, being very earnest said:
"Referring to her in that way has upset the whole of Australia, even our Prime Minister has voiced his concern. Tracey is one of Australian broadcasting's 'sacred cows'."
Picked the wrong farm animal to liken her to there Gordon.
Gordon Brown and Obama Beach
When I was watching the D-Day Ceremony I was sure I heard Gordon Brown refer to 'Obama Beach'. But thought no, he couldn't have, could he?
Poor lad's obviously feeling the stress. Or maybe he's just obsessed, like half the world it seems, with Pres Obama the Cool.
Poor lad's obviously feeling the stress. Or maybe he's just obsessed, like half the world it seems, with Pres Obama the Cool.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
More On Geraldine Smith, MP For Morecambe and Lunesdale
Further to my earlier post about Geraldine Smith's crass hypocrisy, I have also come across the following, from the Telegraph:
The following are the Lancashire MEPs in a league table, from the Lancashire Evening Post, according to their annual expenses claims in 2007/08. Geraldine Smith is 37th out of 645:
And this from the Lakeland Echo:
Funny how the mill and factory workers Labour used to represent had to pay for their food when working, even if it was from a subsidised canteen. Not these parasites it seems.
Geraldine Smith spent £235 on picture and £185 on mirror for London flat in August 2005. Bought Bali table lamp, floor lamp and three cushions for total of £620 one month later
The following are the Lancashire MEPs in a league table, from the Lancashire Evening Post, according to their annual expenses claims in 2007/08. Geraldine Smith is 37th out of 645:
4th...Ben Wallace (Wyre) - £175,523
8th...David Borrow (Leyland) - £172,706
37th...Geraldine Smith (Morecambe and Lunesdale) - £166,097
294th...Lindsay Hoyle (Chorley) - £148,685
368th...Rosie Cooper (West Lancashire) - £144,129
411th...Mark Hendrick (Preston) - £140,443
481st...Michael Jack (Fylde) - £134,316
570th...Nigel Evans (Ribble Valley) - £126,043
And this from the Lakeland Echo:
Geraldine Smith, MP for Morecambe and Lunesdale, estimated she claimed between £100 and £400 a month, but said that did not cover her total food spend.
She said the claims helped cover the costs of feeding guests in London, meals at the Parliamentary canteen and groceries from a shop near her London flat.
Funny how the mill and factory workers Labour used to represent had to pay for their food when working, even if it was from a subsidised canteen. Not these parasites it seems.
Geraldine Smith MP-Hypocrite.
Geraldine Smith, Member of Parliament for my constituency of Morecambe and Lunesdale, gets a bit gobby in the months leading up to a general election, and she's at it now.
I have removed part of this post as I was misled by the House of Commons Library.
Unfortunately I was wrong expecting the House of Commons Library to be a reliable source and am pleased to show below an email from them. Unfortunately it only came to me, the author, via a third party. They couldn't even get that right!
I have removed part of this post as I was misled by the House of Commons Library.
Unfortunately I was wrong expecting the House of Commons Library to be a reliable source and am pleased to show below an email from them. Unfortunately it only came to me, the author, via a third party. They couldn't even get that right!
Dear Sir,
It has come to our attention that there is a link to one of our Standard Notes, about all women shortlists, on your blog site. Regrettably the table erroneously listed Geraldine Smith as being selected as a candidate at the 1997 general election as a result of being on an all women shortlist. I gather that this mistake has caused Ms Smith some embarrassment and we are very sorry that this has happened; the corrected note is now available at
Yours sincerely,
Isobel White
Isobel White
Parliament and Constitution Centre
House of Commons Library
1 Derby Gate
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Nazi Scum!
So, those paragons of virtue and democracy 'Unite Against Fascism' decide that you and I shouldn't be allowed to hear the words of Nick Griffin because he's 'Nazi scum'.
Well I'm more than capable of hearing a politician speak and deciding for myself whether or not he deserves my vote, which I did last Thursday and didn't choose to vote for a bunch of extremists.
What angers me more than a couple of nutters getting elected in a meaningless election, is vermin like the UAF deciding who I should or should not listen to.
It seems to me that BNP and UAF are two sides of the same coin.
Actually, at least the BNP put themselves, and their arguments, up before the British electorate.
Well I'm more than capable of hearing a politician speak and deciding for myself whether or not he deserves my vote, which I did last Thursday and didn't choose to vote for a bunch of extremists.
What angers me more than a couple of nutters getting elected in a meaningless election, is vermin like the UAF deciding who I should or should not listen to.
It seems to me that BNP and UAF are two sides of the same coin.
Actually, at least the BNP put themselves, and their arguments, up before the British electorate.
Tour Series
Just been to watch the Tour Series cycle race in Backpool, and it was fantastic.
An hour hard slog over a 1km circuit with three sprint laps, every 15minutes, and a final 5 laps after the hour. Fantastic entertainment and tonight's race is on ITV 4 tomorrow night at 7-00pm.
If you like that the next heat is on Thursday night in Southport.
An hour hard slog over a 1km circuit with three sprint laps, every 15minutes, and a final 5 laps after the hour. Fantastic entertainment and tonight's race is on ITV 4 tomorrow night at 7-00pm.
If you like that the next heat is on Thursday night in Southport.
Venezula's Chavez Dictatorship
Latin America has a special interest for me, so the following article particularly drew my attention. Alvaro Vargas Llosa is always worth a read and the Independent Institute always worth a visit:
Showdown In Caracas
June 3, 2009
Alvaro Vargas Llosa
CARACAS, Venezuela—A group of foreign writers, academics and politicians was invited here to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Cedice, a Venezuelan think tank that promotes liberal democracy and the market economy, both of which President Hugo Chavez wants to destroy. The government’s thuggish reaction turned the visit into a public showdown that helped expose what Venezuelans are going through these days.
Although there were visitors from three continents, the authorities took aim particularly at those from Latin America. Four of us were detained at the airport, in my case for three hours, and told to refrain from making political comments. We were followed by the secret police—known as DISIP—in cars with no license plates, and a hostile mob was sent to the main venue. Agents masquerading as journalists were instructed to provoke us. The president and his ministers took turns insulting us on TV from dawn to dusk.
Once the official welcoming became an international media embarrassment, Chavez changed tactics and invited us to debate him and a group of “revolutionary intellectuals” none of us had ever heard of. The president did not really intend to debate, but we decided to put the ball back in his court. I suggested that novelist Mario Vargas Llosa, my father and the senior figure in our group, debate Chavez one on one. A few of us would accompany him to witness that basic conditions be met: no government mobs in the room, and live coverage on the government-controlled networks. Former Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda, Mexican historian Enrique Krauze, Colombian writer Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza, our hosts Rocio Guijarro and Rafael Alfonzo, and others backed the suggestion. We put it to Chavez; as expected, he backed down.
The Cedice event and the government’s response helped to convey a simple truth about Chavez—that the emperor has no clothes. Venezuelans had been told that we were imperialists bent on destroying the revolution. But Chavez needs no such help; he is doing a fine job of it himself.
Two years after blocking the ability of Radio Caracas Television, the oldest network in the country, to broadcast over open airwaves, the government is going after Globovision, an independent network. Chavez has levelled trumped-up charges against the owner, Guillermo Zuloaga, who also has several Toyota dealerships and has been indicted for “hoarding” vehicles in order to resell them through “usury.” Globovision itself is officially accused of spreading fear for criticizing the authorities’ slow response to an earthquake and disrespecting the president. Chavez has promised to close down the network.
Opposition mayors and governors have been stripped of their powers and are being viciously persecuted. Manuel Rosales, mayor of Maracaibo and a former presidential candidate, has received political asylum in Peru. The mayor of Caracas, Antonio Ledezma, who gave our group a welcoming speech, dramatically told us that his country is now “a dictatorship.” Retired Gen. Raul Baduel, a former Chavez loyalist who broke with the president during his first attempt to change the constitution in pursuit of “indefinite re-election,” is now in prison.
The Official Gazette, where government decrees are published, has become an ode to theft. On a daily basis, it announces the takeover of local and foreign businesses—rarely with compensation. The nationalizations, often executed through violence, affect all areas of the economy: telecommunications, electricity, oil fields in the Orinoco Basin and oil field services, steel and cement production, banks, metallurgical firms, the food industry and agricultural land. The victims include Venezuelan, American, Mexican, French, Spanish, Swiss, Japanese and Australian investors.
Only a few foreigners have been spared—notably Brazilian companies, because Chavez is begging Brazil’s government for money. The corrupt mismanagement of the state-owned oil company PDVSA has seen production drop by one-third. Given the commitments made by Chavez on behalf of the Bolivarian revolution when the price of oil was much higher, the government is seriously short of cash. Chavez knows that his political machinery, based on expensive patronage and intimidation, is in jeopardy.
Thanks to Chavez’s overreaction, which gave the Cedice event a wider audience than expected, millions of Venezuelans were able to hear about our different experiences with authoritarian populism. They should take heart in the message that it can be reversed and that they are not alone in trying to prevent a second Cuba in the Western Hemisphere.
BNP,Sackcloth And Ashes
Here, in the Telegraph, is Alistair Darling self-flagellating about the BNP winning two seats in the European parliament, with a bit of grovelling from David Cameron towards the end.
A sense of proportion might not go astray here. They won two seats having received fewer votes than they did in the 2004 Euro elections.
I spoke to somebody I know last week who voted BNP, he did it because so many national figures were obsessively telling people not to. His reasoning was: "If this shower of dodgy MPs and ministers keep telling me not to do it, with their track record of thieving and lying, then I will do it just to teach them a lesson". He will no more vote for them in a serious election than I would.
The vote for smaller parties dropped and,let's face it, UKIP have done nothing in serious elections since their success in 2004. So I am hardly bracing myself for Griffin to be the next Prime Minister.
Rather than mainstream politicians blaming the electorate, or even the BNP, they need to take a good, long, hard look at themselves and, for once in their extremely well paid and cushy careers, actually take responsibility.
A sense of proportion might not go astray here. They won two seats having received fewer votes than they did in the 2004 Euro elections.
I spoke to somebody I know last week who voted BNP, he did it because so many national figures were obsessively telling people not to. His reasoning was: "If this shower of dodgy MPs and ministers keep telling me not to do it, with their track record of thieving and lying, then I will do it just to teach them a lesson". He will no more vote for them in a serious election than I would.
The vote for smaller parties dropped and,let's face it, UKIP have done nothing in serious elections since their success in 2004. So I am hardly bracing myself for Griffin to be the next Prime Minister.
Rather than mainstream politicians blaming the electorate, or even the BNP, they need to take a good, long, hard look at themselves and, for once in their extremely well paid and cushy careers, actually take responsibility.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Jane Kennedy MP Talking Gibberish
Scousers do like to talk gibberish. I'm not sure if Jane Kennedy is a full blown Scouser, or just represents the Liverpool constituency of Wavertree, but this is typical MP/Scouse gibberish on her departure from the government:
Hope that clears up any misunderstanding about whether she was sacked or resigned.
"He did not re-appoint me. My view was I was sacked. His view is that I resigned. In the end it was my choice to go."
Hope that clears up any misunderstanding about whether she was sacked or resigned.
Labour Party Disaster?
What a strange election.
Yes Labour's share of the vote dropped by 7% and they lost 5 MEPs. But the Conservative vote only went up 1.2%, and they gained only 1 MEP. Scotland is yet to declare but it looks like the SNP will gain at Labour's expense.
I am most concerned that the smaller parties failed to make a proper breakthrough. Yes UKIP gained 1 MEP (vote up 0.5%) and the BNP, sadly, gained 2 (vote up 2.5%), but a low turnout has to be a huge advantage to smaller parties whose hardcore vote will turn out come hell or high water. Apart from UKIP and the BNP the smaller parties, although increasing their vote slightly, didn't make any significant breakthroughs with the Greens only retaining their 2 seats. Here is a full national breakdown.
So yes a terrible night for Labour and Gordon Brown but did the Tories really take full advantage? I would say no. Labour did poorly in 2004, admittedly not as badly as this, but went on to win a general election in 2005. In EU elections people know there is little point so will protest vote knowing that there is little at stake. It looks to me like the next general election could produce a tiny Conservative majority or, more likely, a hung parliament. Sadly there seems little hope of a smaller party breaking through yet.
Full BBC election results.
Yes Labour's share of the vote dropped by 7% and they lost 5 MEPs. But the Conservative vote only went up 1.2%, and they gained only 1 MEP. Scotland is yet to declare but it looks like the SNP will gain at Labour's expense.
I am most concerned that the smaller parties failed to make a proper breakthrough. Yes UKIP gained 1 MEP (vote up 0.5%) and the BNP, sadly, gained 2 (vote up 2.5%), but a low turnout has to be a huge advantage to smaller parties whose hardcore vote will turn out come hell or high water. Apart from UKIP and the BNP the smaller parties, although increasing their vote slightly, didn't make any significant breakthroughs with the Greens only retaining their 2 seats. Here is a full national breakdown.
So yes a terrible night for Labour and Gordon Brown but did the Tories really take full advantage? I would say no. Labour did poorly in 2004, admittedly not as badly as this, but went on to win a general election in 2005. In EU elections people know there is little point so will protest vote knowing that there is little at stake. It looks to me like the next general election could produce a tiny Conservative majority or, more likely, a hung parliament. Sadly there seems little hope of a smaller party breaking through yet.
Full BBC election results.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
53rd Biennale-Venice
We visited the 52nd Biennale in Venice and can't believe it's now two years ago, but it is. The only problem was that in 2007 Tracey Emin was responsible for the British pavilion. We enjoyed the rest though.
Today sees the start of the 53rd Biennale and if you are fortunate enough to be visiting Italy, Venice particularly, then you really must get to la Biennale before it finishes in November.
Below is a link to the official website.
53rd Venice Biennale
Today sees the start of the 53rd Biennale and if you are fortunate enough to be visiting Italy, Venice particularly, then you really must get to la Biennale before it finishes in November.
Below is a link to the official website.
53rd Venice Biennale
Women In Politics
A nice piece in the Sunday Times today by Rod Liddle:
Off they went, one by one, Labour’s monstrous regiment of women. The nagging harridans, the terminally bovine, the frail and charming, the clever, the stupid, the poutingly minxtastic - all gone, gone. There are now about as many women left in the cabinet as in the Long Room at Lord’s.
Over the years they have left in dribs and drabs - Ruth Kelly, Fiona Mactaggart, Estelle Morris - but this week we have seen a stampede of pretty little feet for the exit. Last out was Caroline Flint, a doughty feminist who nonetheless conceded to pose for a glam centrefold in The Observer.
She says Gordon made her do it. The money shot, however, came on Friday with her interminable and fabulously piqued letter to Brown, the tone of which suggested he’d been caught with the au pair. You don’t care for my feelings! You don’t understand me! I’m just a sex object to you!
Feminists have lamented that this has been a terrible week for women in politics and, by and large, blamed men. But there are still plenty of women left in Westminster - simply that an awful lot have decided that high office is a bit too much like hard work.
“I wanted to laugh, play with children, read novels!” Fiona Mactaggart said, by way of explaining her disillusion with ministerial life.
Still, it’s a shame about Ms Flint. The temptress of the Don valley at least put a bit of colour into grey politics.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Caroline Flint
Looking for Eric-Eric Cantona
The man is still a God to Mancunians, and the film comes out on June 12.
Friday, June 05, 2009
The World's Gone Mad
Swimming goggles have been banned by a North Wales school for fear they could injure pupils, it has been revealed.
Critics say it is one in the eye for common sense but school leaders at Ysgol Bryn Coch in Mold, said they are only safeguarding youngsters.
They say injury could occur if a pair of goggles snapped onto a child's face or if a lens popped out unexpectedly.
Bloody morons shouldn't be running schools!
Critics say it is one in the eye for common sense but school leaders at Ysgol Bryn Coch in Mold, said they are only safeguarding youngsters.
They say injury could occur if a pair of goggles snapped onto a child's face or if a lens popped out unexpectedly.
Bloody morons shouldn't be running schools!
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Friday Funday
Here's one for our glorious Prime Minister:
For our dearly departed Home Secretary, Jacq-boot Smith, here's X-Ray Specs:
And finally, for the Labour Party in their hour of need, Joy Division:
Now call a bloody election and piss off the lot of you!
For our dearly departed Home Secretary, Jacq-boot Smith, here's X-Ray Specs:
And finally, for the Labour Party in their hour of need, Joy Division:
Now call a bloody election and piss off the lot of you!
Ever Been Had By James Purnell?
Gordon Brown has. It's all looking so obvious now isn't it?
Another one bites the dust!
Time to sling your hook Gordon, even your own morons don't want you any more.
And as for the dickheads who voted Labour, you all deserve a bloody good kicking. In fact you should receive one good solid kick up the backside for every day these morons have been in power. Wouldn't be so stupid again would you? Actually, you never know.
Another one bites the dust!
Time to sling your hook Gordon, even your own morons don't want you any more.
And as for the dickheads who voted Labour, you all deserve a bloody good kicking. In fact you should receive one good solid kick up the backside for every day these morons have been in power. Wouldn't be so stupid again would you? Actually, you never know.
General Election
It seems that Gordon Brown may not be reshuffling so much as shuffling off the political coil. With the deadheads resigning and running for cover he seems to have few people to reshuffle in his cabinet or even to bring in. It really is great fun, it's a bit how I imagine it would feel watching Liverpool, Everton and Manchester City all about to be relegated in one season.
According to the Mail Online even Lady Mandy is trying to defend the PM, which must mean his days are numbered:
I bet the five ringleaders didn't enjoy that from Nick Brown either!
I remember the rumpus in the seventies when Labour rule brought the country to its knees, this all feels familiar if quite different, which is typically clueless socialism. This time it looks like we are hurtling towards a very British type of anarchy, a PM who can't get people to join his cabinet!
Surely a general election by October at the latest.
Peter Oborne sums up Brown's plight in an excellent article:
So Brown's days are numbered and surely even the Labour Party wouldn't be arrogant enought to plonk another unelected PM in Downing Street. So the only thing is to oust Brown and call a general election, with a new leader. According to Labour rebels a new leader could be in position in 23 days.
Only problem is it could be one of the bitches, Blears, Harman, Smith etc. It seems that the coven have been plotting regularly behind Brown's back, they still seem to have the hots for Tony, and the word is that Caroline Flint will kick off today just to add to Gordon's woes.
It's great fun.
According to the Mail Online even Lady Mandy is trying to defend the PM, which must mean his days are numbered:
"Peter Mandelson has appealed to Labour MPs not to back an attempt to bring down the Prime Minister as Gordon Brown fights to save his premiership. Meanwhile BBC Newsnight reported that the Chief Whip, Nick Brown, had fingered five alleged ringleaders of the plot to oust the Prime Minister".
I bet the five ringleaders didn't enjoy that from Nick Brown either!
I remember the rumpus in the seventies when Labour rule brought the country to its knees, this all feels familiar if quite different, which is typically clueless socialism. This time it looks like we are hurtling towards a very British type of anarchy, a PM who can't get people to join his cabinet!
Surely a general election by October at the latest.
Peter Oborne sums up Brown's plight in an excellent article:
"The truth is that Gordon Brown has been betrayed by those on whom he thought he could rely most closely. The Labour Party's pet newspaper, the Guardian, inflicted one stunning blow when it called yesterday for him to quit".
So Brown's days are numbered and surely even the Labour Party wouldn't be arrogant enought to plonk another unelected PM in Downing Street. So the only thing is to oust Brown and call a general election, with a new leader. According to Labour rebels a new leader could be in position in 23 days.
Only problem is it could be one of the bitches, Blears, Harman, Smith etc. It seems that the coven have been plotting regularly behind Brown's back, they still seem to have the hots for Tony, and the word is that Caroline Flint will kick off today just to add to Gordon's woes.
It's great fun.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Hazel Blears
Rejoice, rejoice. The runt has left the litter.
Hazel Blears resigns.
I love Salford, in fact I very occasionally, even now, get to watch Salford RLFC. Sorry but I can't bring myself to call them Salford City Reds, shit, I just have. But for God's sake people of Salford, it will take a long time for us to forgive you for putting that little bitch onto the national political scene.
Oh what fun we had! Bring on that general electon.
Hazel Blears resigns.
I love Salford, in fact I very occasionally, even now, get to watch Salford RLFC. Sorry but I can't bring myself to call them Salford City Reds, shit, I just have. But for God's sake people of Salford, it will take a long time for us to forgive you for putting that little bitch onto the national political scene.
Oh what fun we had! Bring on that general electon.
English Democrats
It's the last day of campaigning in the fake European election. I had intended to abstain but couldn't bring myself to do it when the postal ballot papers arrived, even for a fake election it seemed wrong not to vote somehow.
So I've looked at all the parties and decided to vote for a party that I least ideologically opposed. So out went the BNP and The Green Party. Next went No2EU and Scargill's bunch of 1970s throwbacks aka the Socialist Labour Party. Next came Libertas, too pro-EU as are the big three, so they were out.I didn't know what any individual member of The Jury Team believed, it's a shambles, so they were out.
I whittled it down to UKIP, the English Democrats and the Christian Party. Sadly I think UKIP now sets the cause of EU withdrawal back and has become just another vehicle to get people on the gravy train, hence their campaign strapline of 'lend us your vote for the European election', implying they are not bothered about Westminster from where withdrawal, if it ever does, will come.
I admire the Christian Party but couldn't bring myself to vote for a religious party. So I ended up voting for the English Democrats. At least they have a full programme and their policy of equality for England isn't based on hatred of another group, as the SNP and Plaid Cymru are on hatred of the English.
But, more importantly they are highly unlikely to win. So I exercised my democratic right, but without helping give somebody a leg up onto the gravy train, at least not directly.
However, come the general election I look forward to voting, and campaigning for, the Libertarian Party.
So I've looked at all the parties and decided to vote for a party that I least ideologically opposed. So out went the BNP and The Green Party. Next went No2EU and Scargill's bunch of 1970s throwbacks aka the Socialist Labour Party. Next came Libertas, too pro-EU as are the big three, so they were out.I didn't know what any individual member of The Jury Team believed, it's a shambles, so they were out.
I whittled it down to UKIP, the English Democrats and the Christian Party. Sadly I think UKIP now sets the cause of EU withdrawal back and has become just another vehicle to get people on the gravy train, hence their campaign strapline of 'lend us your vote for the European election', implying they are not bothered about Westminster from where withdrawal, if it ever does, will come.
I admire the Christian Party but couldn't bring myself to vote for a religious party. So I ended up voting for the English Democrats. At least they have a full programme and their policy of equality for England isn't based on hatred of another group, as the SNP and Plaid Cymru are on hatred of the English.
But, more importantly they are highly unlikely to win. So I exercised my democratic right, but without helping give somebody a leg up onto the gravy train, at least not directly.
However, come the general election I look forward to voting, and campaigning for, the Libertarian Party.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
EU Election June 4th
The BBC have produced a guide to all the parties fighting the European elections on Thursday.
At-a-glance: Party-by-party guide
At-a-glance: Party-by-party guide
The bitch is to resign as Home Fuhrer, I mean Secretary.
She's standing down in the imminent reshuffle. Here is the story.
And the bonus ball is that Beverley Hughes is also standing down "for family reasons".
Must be saving the really good news, like Hazel 'The Runt' Blears standing down, for another day. Don't want to spoil us do they?
It's great fun all this, and very therapeutic.
She's standing down in the imminent reshuffle. Here is the story.
And the bonus ball is that Beverley Hughes is also standing down "for family reasons".
Must be saving the really good news, like Hazel 'The Runt' Blears standing down, for another day. Don't want to spoil us do they?
It's great fun all this, and very therapeutic.
David Chaytor and Patricia Hewitt
Bury North Labour MP David Chaytor is standing down.
Here is a full profile of this MP.
What it doesn't tell us is that he is one of the thieving gits who stole, from you and me, by claiming for a mortgage he didn't have.
Good riddance you scum!
More good news, Patricia Hewitt is pissing off back to Australia too. About time.
Here is a full profile of this MP.
What it doesn't tell us is that he is one of the thieving gits who stole, from you and me, by claiming for a mortgage he didn't have.
Good riddance you scum!
More good news, Patricia Hewitt is pissing off back to Australia too. About time.
EU and County Elections
Almost one third of voters are not planning on backing any of the three main parties, according to research.
A ComRes poll for the Independent put support for "others" at 30%, up 18% since before the expenses row erupted.
The rating is neck and neck with the Tories - who have plummeted 15% from the equivalent poll last month.
Labour has dropped four points to 22%, while the Liberal Democrats were up one on 18%. The Greens were on 8%, Ukip on 7%, the BNP 3%, the Scottish National Party 2%, Plaid Cymru 1% and other smaller parties or independents 9%.
Meanwhile, an Ipsos Mori poll found support for Labour has plunged by 10 points in the past month, and the party is now running neck and neck with the Liberal Democrats.
The dramatic slump in Labour's fortunes has allowed the Conservatives to pull 22 points clear, according to the research.
While support for all the main parties has declined in the aftermath of the MPs' expenses scandal, Labour appears to have fared the worst by far.
The Ipsos Mori poll put the Tories on 40%, down one since the same survey last month. But Labour was down 10 points, putting the party on the same support as the Lib Dems, who were down four on 18%.
At the same time, support for minor parties has doubled in the past month to 24%, including 7% for the UK Independence Party, 6% for the Greens and 4% for the British National Party.
The poll will harden expectations that Labour will be given a drubbing in Thursday's European and local elections.
The big problem seems to me that the smaller parties could cancel each other out, especially in the Euros, thus allowing the big three in.
In my county council division the smaller parties are either not standing or have merely put up a paper candidate. They just don't get it, they will not win parliamentary seats until they prove what they can do at council level.
So for now, it looks like we are stuck with big empty gestures and useless protest votes, only the Green Party, of the smaller ones, actually seem to be taking politics seriously.
A ComRes poll for the Independent put support for "others" at 30%, up 18% since before the expenses row erupted.
The rating is neck and neck with the Tories - who have plummeted 15% from the equivalent poll last month.
Labour has dropped four points to 22%, while the Liberal Democrats were up one on 18%. The Greens were on 8%, Ukip on 7%, the BNP 3%, the Scottish National Party 2%, Plaid Cymru 1% and other smaller parties or independents 9%.
Meanwhile, an Ipsos Mori poll found support for Labour has plunged by 10 points in the past month, and the party is now running neck and neck with the Liberal Democrats.
The dramatic slump in Labour's fortunes has allowed the Conservatives to pull 22 points clear, according to the research.
While support for all the main parties has declined in the aftermath of the MPs' expenses scandal, Labour appears to have fared the worst by far.
The Ipsos Mori poll put the Tories on 40%, down one since the same survey last month. But Labour was down 10 points, putting the party on the same support as the Lib Dems, who were down four on 18%.
At the same time, support for minor parties has doubled in the past month to 24%, including 7% for the UK Independence Party, 6% for the Greens and 4% for the British National Party.
The poll will harden expectations that Labour will be given a drubbing in Thursday's European and local elections.
The big problem seems to me that the smaller parties could cancel each other out, especially in the Euros, thus allowing the big three in.
In my county council division the smaller parties are either not standing or have merely put up a paper candidate. They just don't get it, they will not win parliamentary seats until they prove what they can do at council level.
So for now, it looks like we are stuck with big empty gestures and useless protest votes, only the Green Party, of the smaller ones, actually seem to be taking politics seriously.
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